

c++ Programming Glossary: cvsize

OpenCV : convert the pointer in memory to image


be 3 int channels 1 IplImage cv_image cvCreateImageHeader cvSize width height IPL_DEPTH_8U channels if cv_image print error failed..

OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image


CvRect bb findBB my_image IplImage new_image cvCreateImage cvSize bb.width bb.height my_image depth 1 cvShowImage test new_image..

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


to store grayscale frames IplImage gray_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgb_roi cvCreateImage.. box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgb_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 while 1 if vid_frame vid_frame..

OpenCV: process every frame


a new image IplImage gray_frame 0 gray_frame cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height frame depth 1 if gray_frame fprintf.. of the pixels individually gray_frame cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height frame depth frame nChannels if gray_frame..

OpenCV compare two images and get different pixels


the loop IplImage lastFIplImageHeader cvCreateImageHeader cvSize 640 480 8 3 Then inside the loop I load images like this IplImage.. the parameters taken from the loaded image. cvCreateImage cvSize 640 480 8 3 use cvCopy to copy the contents and proceed as normal..

xutility file?


videoWriter cvCreateVideoWriter outputVideo 1 30 cvSize 240 180 #endif END NEW CODE int main int argc char argv CvCapture.. if frame break if frame_copy frame_copy cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U frame nChannels if.. 0 255 0 255 double scale 1.3 IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvSize img width img height 8 1 IplImage small_img cvCreateImage cvSize..

Draw on webcam using OpenCV


frame cvQueryFrame input if image image cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 screenBuffer cvCreateImage.. frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 screenBuffer cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCopy frame image..

Masking a blob from a binary image


from a file if color_frame break gray_frame cvCreateImage cvSize color_frame width color_frame height color_frame depth 1 if..