

c++ Programming Glossary: va_arg

Is char default-promoted?


function can obtain the value of the argument by invoking va_arg 18.10 . Note This paragraph does not apply to arguments passed..

Find out if 2 lines intersect [duplicate]


l va_start l v0 for unsigned int i 1 i dim i data i va_arg l VType va_end l ~vec VType operator unsigned int i return..

Best Way to Store a va_list for Later Use in C/C++


only requires that the va_list argument work with va_start va_arg and va_end . As far as I can tell the va_list is not guaranteed..

Variable number of arguments in C++?


well as three functions that operate on it called va_start va_arg and va_end . #include stdarg.h int maxof int n_args ... va_list.. maxof int n_args ... va_list ap va_start ap n_args int max va_arg ap int for int i 2 i n_args i int a va_arg ap int if a max max.. n_args int max va_arg ap int for int i 2 i n_args i int a va_arg ap int if a max max a va_end ap return max If you ask me this..

Convert char* to jstring in JNI, when char* is passed using va_arg


char to jstring in JNI when char is passed using va_arg Is it necessary to convert char to jbyteArray then call java.. env clazz init I V obj env NewObject env clazz id va_arg arguments uint32_t env SetObjectArrayElement env return_array.. env clazz init J V obj env NewObject env clazz id va_arg arguments uint64_t env SetObjectArrayElement env return_array..

Question about a function definition (three dots in parameters..)


beforehand and you can use the varargs functions va_start va_arg and va_end to get at the specific arguments. This link here..