

c++ Programming Glossary: vec2f

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection


namespace cv using namespace std Point2f computeIntersect Vec2f line1 Vec2f line2 vector Point2f lineToPointPair Vec2f line.. using namespace std Point2f computeIntersect Vec2f line1 Vec2f line2 vector Point2f lineToPointPair Vec2f line bool acceptLinePair.. Vec2f line1 Vec2f line2 vector Point2f lineToPointPair Vec2f line bool acceptLinePair Vec2f line1 Vec2f line2 float minTheta..

opencv multi channel element access


float 2 to represent CV_32FC2 or use typedef Vec float 2 Vec2f cxcore.hpp 254 See the source code to get more type that can.. get more type that can represent your element. Here we use Vec2f access the element The easiest and efficiant way to access the.. can access the element like this Mat m Size 3 3 CV_32FC2 Vec2f elem m.at Vec2f row col or m.at Vec2f Point col row elem 0 1212.0f..