

c++ Programming Glossary: vecs

How to create a C++ Boost undirected graph and traverse it in depth first search (DFS) order?


std typedef boost adjacency_list boost listS boost vecS boost undirectedS MyGraph typedef boost graph_traits MyGraph..

Algorithm for selecting all edges and vertices connected to one vertex


listS The container used for egdes here std list. boost vecS The container used for vertices here std vector. boost directedS..

Modifying vertex properties in a Boost::Graph


std vector int some_values typedef adjacency_list vecS vecS undirectedS vertex_info graph_t graph_t g n g 0 .whatever.. std vector int some_values typedef adjacency_list vecS vecS undirectedS vertex_info graph_t graph_t g n g 0 .whatever Vertex..

Dijkstra Shortest Path with VertexList = ListS in boost graph


Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm which used VertexList vecS. I changed the vertex container to ListS. I learned that we..

edge_index zero for all edges?


int main typedef boost adjacency_list boost vecS boost vecS boost directedS boost no_property boost property.. int main typedef boost adjacency_list boost vecS boost vecS boost directedS boost no_property boost property boost edge_index_t..

How to print a boost graph in graphviz with one of the properties displayed?


as follows typedef boost adjacency_list boost listS boost vecS boost directedS Vertex Edge boost_graph I want to print my graph.. using namespace boost Graph type typedef adjacency_list vecS vecS directedS VertexProperties EdgeProperty Graph Graph g std.. namespace boost Graph type typedef adjacency_list vecS vecS directedS VertexProperties EdgeProperty Graph Graph g std vector..