

c++ Programming Glossary: vector.hpp

Create a shared-memory vector of strings


#include boost interprocess containers vector.hpp #include boost interprocess containers string.hpp #include boost..

How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function?


#include boost python signature.hpp #include boost mpl vector.hpp #include iostream #include string #include sstream static boost..

how-to initialize 'const std::vector<T>' like a c array


Boost.Assign to do that. e.g. #include boost assign std vector.hpp using namespace boost assign bring 'operator ' into scope vector..

Serializing OpenCV Mat_<Vec3f>


serialization split_free.hpp #include boost serialization vector.hpp BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_FREE Mat namespace boost namespace..

Is it possible to use boost accumulators with vectors?


the file boost accumulators numeric functional vector.hpp does contain the necessary operators for the 'naive' solution.. try Including either boost accumulators numeric functional vector.hpp before any other accumulators header boost accumulators numeric..

Is there a way to break out of boost::mpl for_each?


for_each #include boost mpl find_if.hpp #include boost mpl vector.hpp template int N struct Foo enum id N template int N struct has_nested_id..

C++ macro/metaprogram to determine number of members at compile time


data A solution with Boost.PP and MPL #include boost mpl vector.hpp #include boost mpl at.hpp #include boost preprocessor.hpp #include..