

c++ Programming Glossary: verified

Why doesn't a derived template class have access to a base template class' identifiers?


without trying to verify the code. That code can only be verified later when the template is instantiated by supplying an actual..

Unable to catch c++ exception using catch (…)


and the code to log the exception DOES execute. I verified this within VS watching the same conditions occur. Here's the..

What's the low-level difference between a pointer an a reference?


you shouldn't depend on that generalization until you've verified it's true for your compiler and platform. share improve this..

file scope and static floats


modified based off of user input in another class I have verified that the value is changed while still debugging within the scope..

Add support to print & preview HTML in a dialog-based MFC app


for IDM_PRINTPREVIEW OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW2 but I haven't verified that yet. I'll play with this a bit more as time allows. Meanwhile..

Why first element is destroyed?


i.e. delete . I've seen this on another post and verified the behavior using a debugger. See here For VS2013 initializer_list..

PInvokeStackImbalance C# call to unmanaged C++ function


is correct. The entry point name is correct and has been verified with depends.exe the code has to use the mangled name and it..

Why am I getting an error converting a ?˜float**??to ?˜const float**??


to ˜const float code this makes no sense to me I know and verified that I can pass char to a function that takes const char so..

Output unicode strings in Windows console app


windows console share improve this question I have verified a solution here using Visual Studio 2010. Via this MSDN article..

Segfaults in malloc() and malloc_consolidate()


malloc_consolidate when I look at the backtrace in gdb. I verified that the machine has enough memory available it didn't even..

Question on multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, and object size in C++


The memory layout might look something like this I haven't verified it... the ARM has an example where the ordering is X Y Z then..

Is it possible to exit a for before time in C++, if an ending condition is reached?


different from the reacheing right number of iterations is verified. For instance for int i 0 i maxi i for int j 0 j maxj j But..

Avoiding Circular Dependencies of header files [duplicate]


dependencies start happening. Are there any general verified and working rules Thanks. c software design architecture ..

Loading DLL not initializing static C++ classes


dll ChangeReliability ChangeReliability 100 I have verified that the dll version is the correct one rebuilt the entire project..

How to see if a subfile of a directory has changed


way to tell if a folder has a subfile that has changed I verified and the last modified date on the folder does not get updated..

Why is failbit when eof on read? Is there a way out?


were enabled. Why What's the point of this I could have verified that just testing eof after the read char buffer 10 stream.read..

Why does integer overflow on x86 with GCC cause an infinite loop?


because I assume this bug will reproduce in C. I haven't verified it yet. EDIT Here's the assembly of the loop if I recognized..

std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find


we are more likely to compare apples to apples I haven't verified if the logic is really correct now let's go on to investigate..

Understanding eliding rules with regard to c++11


classes because RVO isn't guaranteed. Personally I just verified that my compilers were good about it and went ahead with it...