

c++ Programming Glossary: vc100

C++ / Boost Filesystem - mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1600'


6 error LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem vc100 mt gd 1_51.lib' C SOURCE ConsoleApp2 ConsoleApp2 LINK ConsoleApp2..

Boost.Thread throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010


Fp Release Client.pch Fa Release Fo Release Fd Release vc100.pdb Gd analyze errorReport queue Linker command line OUT C Documents.. I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_system vc100 mt 1_43.lib I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_date_time.. I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_date_time vc100 mt 1_43.lib I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_regex..

Using Visual Studio project properties effectively for multiple projects and configurations


the solution like naming an output library as mylib vc90 vc100 x86 x64 d .lib without having to do all this for each individual.. vc90 Toolset Toolset Condition ' PlatformToolset ' 'v100' vc100 Toolset PropertyGroup target PropertyGroup TargetName ProjectName..

Why isn't the const qualifier working on pointer members on const objects?


above yields the following output tested in gcc 4.5.2 and vc100 foo doit const calling mybar1 doit bar doit non const Why calling..

Boost libs building - difference between runtime-link and link options


options complete it produced these files 1 boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.dll Import library boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 2 libboost_regex.. 1 boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.dll Import library boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 2 libboost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 3 libboost_regex.. library boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 2 libboost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 3 libboost_regex vc100 mt s 1_47.lib 4 libboost_regex..