

php Programming Glossary: is_int

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Integer ie. an ID or a String ie. a potential username if is_int chars id chars Do the SQL to get the user from his ID ..........

Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network


address trim address '' address array 0 0 0 0 else if is_int address address this longToByteArray address else if is_string.. array suppliedAddressOctets 255 array 0 0 0 0 else if is_int mask mask this longToByteArray mask else if is_string mask..

How to update SimpleXMLElement using array


new children including the first one if parent 0 NULL if is_int element if element node count throw new Exception sprintf..

How to set a (UTF8) modifier for RegEx of a RegEx Route in Zend Framework 2?


matches 0 foreach matches as key value if is_numeric key is_int key value '' unset matches key else matches key value return..

is_int and GET or POST


and GET or POST Why does is_int always return false in the.. and GET or POST Why does is_int always return false in the following situation echo _GET 'id'.. false in the following situation echo _GET 'id' 3 if is_int _GET 'id' echo 'int' not executed php share improve this..

More concise way to check to see if an array contains only numbers (integers)


function arrayHasOnlyInts array foreach array as value if is_int value there are several ways to do this return false return.. this question only_integers array_filter only_integers 'is_int' true letters_and_numbers array_filter letters_and_numbers 'is_int'.. true letters_and_numbers array_filter letters_and_numbers 'is_int' false It would help you in the future to define two helper..

php validate integer


this not working echo gettype _GET 'id' returns string if is_int _GET 'id' echo 'Integer' How to validate data passing from GET..

Dynamically bind mysqli_stmt parameters and then bind result (PHP)


fields as key if is_float data key paramstr . 'd' elseif is_int data key paramstr . 'i' else paramstr . 's' params data key.. types. e.g. 'ss' types '' foreach params as param if is_int param types . 'i' integer elseif is_float param types . 'd'..

Improve this PHP Bitfield Class for settings/permissions?


getValue return this value public function get n if is_int n return this value 1 n 0 else return 0 public function set.. getValue return this value public function get n if is_int n return this value 1 n 0 else return 0 public function set..

performing datetime related operations in PHP


find_WeekdaysFromThisTo public function set_Day newday if is_int newday newday 0 newday 32 checkdate this format 'm' newday this.. end function set_Day public function set_Month newmonth if is_int newmonth newmonth 0 newmonth 13 this setDate this format 'Y'.. end function set_Month public function set_Year newyear if is_int newyear newyear 0 this setDate newyear this format 'm' this..

Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick


matrix array_fill 0 9 1 true array_splice matrix 4 1 is_int sharp true sharp 16 if function_exists 'ImageConvolution' true..

What's the correct way to test if a variable is a number in PHP?


an number value. Here's what I mean An integer int 10 if is_int int Returns true ... A string int '10' if is_int int Returns.. int 10 if is_int int Returns true ... A string int '10' if is_int int Returns false ... I want both of these to return true. ..