

php Programming Glossary: item1

Merge XML files in PHP


item i import copy item from document 2 to document 1 item1 doc1 importNode item2 true append imported item to document.. imported item to document 1 'res' element res1 appendChild item1 doc1 save 'merged.xml' edited added saving into xml file php.. item i import copy item from document 2 to document 1 item1 doc1 importNode item2 true append imported item to document..

How to deal with multiple values of <select> in PHP?


select id industryExpect multiple multiple option value 1 item1 option option value 2 item2 option option value 3 item3 option.. name industryExpect multiple multiple option value 1 item1 option option value 2 item2 option option value 3 item3 option.. get an array of all the selected options assuming that item1 and item3 were selected print_r _POST 'industryExpect' array..

passing POST array to php function


function such as PostInfo _POST function PostInfo _POST item1 _POST 0 item2 _POST 1 item3 _POST 2 do something return result..

PHP Out of Memory - Crashes Apache?


item0 article children 1 children 1 children 0 plaintext item1 article children 1 children 1 children 0 plaintext item2 article.. 1 children 0 next_sibling stringa trim item0 . .trim item1 . .trim item2 . r n fwrite FileHandle stringa echo stringa.'..

Creating a multilevel array using parentIds in PHP


is NULL. Example of some entries id parentId name 1 NULL item1 2 NULL item2 3 1 item3 4 2 item4 5 3 item5 6 3 item6 So 1 and.. right levels. It should look like this Array 1 Array name item1 parentId children Array 3 Array name item3 parentId 1.. an array data array array 'id' 1 'parentId' null 'name' 'item1' array 'id' 2 'parentId' null 'name' 'item2' array 'id' 3 'parentId'..

how to get the hierarchical menu from mysql


hierarchical menus like id parent_id name 1 0 menu 2 1 item1 3 2 item1_1 4 1 item2 5 4 item2_1 ... ... and I have 100s of.. menus like id parent_id name 1 0 menu 2 1 item1 3 2 item1_1 4 1 item2 5 4 item2_1 ... ... and I have 100s of menu items..

Get Nearest Places Google Maps (MySQL Spatial Data)


25 miles from current given latitude and longitude. SELECT item1 item2 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians..

unable to scrape content from a website


table 4 tbody tr 3 td 4 path2 body table 4 tbody tr 1 td 4 item1 xpath query path1 item2 xpath query path2 echo item1 length.. td 4 item1 xpath query path1 item2 xpath query path2 echo item1 length this shows zero echo item2 length this shows zero foreach.. this shows zero echo item2 length this shows zero foreach item1 as t echo t nodeValue doesnt show anything foreach item2 as..