

php Programming Glossary: is_resource

proc_open interaction


all example code p proc_open 'ssh user@host' desc pipes if is_resource p die '@ # ' will omit this line from now on sleep 1 omitting.. user@host' array array 'pipe' 'r' array 'pipe' 'w' ps if is_resource p die 'FFS' usleep 10 fwrite ps 0 'yes'. n fflush ps 0 usleep..

Run process with realtime output in PHP


cmd descriptorspec pipes realpath '. ' array echo pre if is_resource process while s fgets pipes 1 print s flush echo pre share..

Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries


0 if is_file file true file fopen file 'r' if is_resource file true query array while feof file false query fgets..

Test if port open and forwarded using PHP


foreach ports as port connection @fsockopen host port if is_resource connection echo ' h2 ' . host . ' ' . port . ' ' . ' ' . getservbyport..

How to pass variables as stdin into command line from PHP


array pipe w process proc_open cmd descriptorspec pipes if is_resource process row2xfdf is made up function that turns HTML form data.. to 2 null process proc_open cmd descriptorspec pipes if is_resource process pipes now looks like this 0 writeable handle connected..

PHP set timeout for script with system call, set_time_limit not working


wget n process proc_open wget descriptorspec pipes if is_resource process do timeleft endtime time read array pipes 1 stream_select..

Problems with secure bind to Active Directory using PHP


bind.php#101445 con ldap_connect hostnameSSL if is_resource con trigger_error Unable to connect to hostnameSSL E_USER_WARNING..

userland multipart/form-data handler


but the following should do what you want boundary null if is_resource input fopen 'php input' 'rb' true while feof input true line.. Type ' false tmpname tempnam sys_get_temp_dir '' if is_resource temp fopen tmpname 'wb' true while feof input true line..

Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick


input @ImageCreateFromString @file_get_contents input if is_resource input true size array ImageSX input ImageSY input crop array_values.. 0 size 1 image ImageCreateTrueColor scale 0 scale 1 if is_resource image true ImageFill image 0 0 IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT ImageSaveAlpha.. matrix 3 array_sum matrix 0 if isset merge true is_resource merge @ImageCreateFromString @file_get_contents merge true ..

telnet connection using PHP


do echo read array socket STDIN write NULL except NULL if is_resource socket return num_changed_streams @stream_select read write..

PHP/GD - Cropping and Resizing Images


image ImageCreateFromString file_get_contents image if is_resource image true x 0 y 0 width imagesx image height imagesy image.. Section result ImageCreateTrueColor width height if is_resource result true ImageSaveAlpha result true ImageAlphaBlending result.. image result ImageCreateTrueColor size 0 size 1 if is_resource result true ImageSaveAlpha result true ImageAlphaBlending result..