

php Programming Glossary: is_numeric

How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP?


token is a number or variable push it on the stack else if is_numeric token stack push token elseif array_key_exists token this v.. parse_line cadena tok strtok cadena while tok '' if is_numeric tok this push tok else r this parse tok tok strtok return r..

How to make a calculator in PHP?


value instanceof TerminalExpression return value elseif is_numeric value return new Number value elseif value ' ' return new..

Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation


break return r private function checkType a b if is_numeric a is_numeric b a filter_var a FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT.. return r private function checkType a b if is_numeric a is_numeric b a filter_var a FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT b filter_var..

What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key?


assigns new value to var that might be a reference value is_numeric value value 2 null array_push array value congrats X references..

Casting an Array with Numeric Keys as an Object


'cat' 'dog' 'pheasant' o new stdClass foreach a as k v if is_numeric k k _ k o k v EDIT Just did one more quick test on this hypothesis..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


cleaning up results foreach array_keys matches as key if is_numeric key unset matches key view results var_dump current matches..

How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP


attempts we need to throttle based on delay if is_numeric delay remaining_delay time latest_attempt delay output remaining..

php validate integer


such as form input which is always a string you must use is_numeric . Alternative you can use the regex based test as if preg_match..

Error message Strict standards: Non-static method should not be called statically in php [closed]


fromRow 0 pvq 0 # byField 0 ID 1 Name 3 special if byField is_numeric v by ID r fromRow fromRow v dbRow select from pages where id.. like ' .addslashes name . ' limit 1 else if byField 3 is_numeric v by special fname 'page_by_special_'. v r dbRow select from.. vars function getInstance id 0 fromRow false pvq false if is_numeric id return false if @array_key_exists id self instances self..

How to escape strings in SQL Server using PHP?


' ' Abstracted that would be function mssql_escape data if is_numeric data return data unpacked unpack 'H hex' data return '0x' ...

Passing array to SOAP function in PHP


to a object tree function array_to_objecttree array if is_numeric key array Because Filters Filter should be an array foreach..

How can I easily convert dates from UTC via PHP?


out this if block if you don't want this behavior if is_numeric dateTime You should probably log an error here return dateTime..