

python Programming Glossary: username

How can I login to django using tastypie


I keep getting a 500 error back with error_message column username is not unique . I only have one username in the db and it's.. column username is not unique . I only have one username in the db and it's the user I am trying to authenticate. Any.. Your approach will try to create a new user with the username that you are authenticating with. This will bubble up at the..

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


first. The login moment involves sending two POST params username password to login.php. During the login request I want to retrieve.. improve this question import urllib urllib2 cookielib username 'myuser' password 'mypassword' cj cookielib.CookieJar opener.. cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username' username 'j_password' password opener.open 'http www.example.com..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


default current user raw_input Enter your GMail username pwd getpass.getpass Enter your password # connecting to the..

Extending the User model with custom fields in Django


fields I would also possibly like to use the email as the username for authentication purposes . I've already seen a few ways to..

How are POST and GET variables handled in Python?


you're posting a html form with this input type text name username If using raw cgi import cgi form cgi.FieldStorage print form.. using raw cgi import cgi form cgi.FieldStorage print form username If using Django or Pylons print request.GET 'username' # for.. form username If using Django or Pylons print request.GET 'username' # for GET form method print request.POST 'username' # for POST..

How to install pip on windows?


respect these. Example syntax http proxy_url port http username password@proxy_url port If you're really unlucky your proxy..

Django dynamic model fields


#probably created in the admin user User.objects.create username 'foo' user_sign UserCustomDataValue custom_field custom_field..

Is there a portable way to get the current username in Python?


there a portable way to get the current username in Python Is there a portable way to get the current user's.. Python Is there a portable way to get the current user's username in Python i.e. one that works under both Linux and Windows at.. at least . It would work like os.getuid os.getuid 42 os.getusername 'slartibartfast' I googled around and was surprised not to find..

Can't add a User to the Database


SignUpForm ModelForm username forms.CharField label u'Username' first_name forms.CharField label u'First name' last_name forms.CharField.. for username if form.username.errors class error endif Username label p p form.username p div div class register_div if form.first_name.errors..

How to “log in” to a website using Python's Requests module?


new to this...so I can't figure out if I should make my Username and Password cookies or some type of HTTP authorization thing..

How to make django-registration use my customized UserCreationForm and UserChangeForm?


UserChangeForm see here username forms.RegexField label _ Username max_length 30 regex r ^ w.@ help_text _ Required. 30 characters..

Errors while converting Python script to Ruby


True # authentication token auth AuthMethod password Username guest AuthString guest ret srv.Get auth slice slice_hrn ' '.. http demo.myslice.info 7080 auth AuthMethod password Username guest AuthString guest pp ret.call Get auth slice slice_hrn.. http demo.myslice.info 7080 auth AuthMethod password Username guest AuthString guest pp ret.call Get auth slice slice_hrn..

“setup.py upload” is failing with “Upload failed (401): You must be identified to edit package information”


and email it to you or 4. quit Your selection default 1 1 Username example Password ... Registering mypackage to http pypi.python.org..

Python Auto Fill with Mechanize


nr 0 #check yoursite forms to match the correct number br 'Username' 'Username' #use the proper input type text name br 'Password'.. yoursite forms to match the correct number br 'Username' 'Username' #use the proper input type text name br 'Password' 'Password'.. form is the first of the page and the input names are Username and Password . You could also select your form by name with..

PyPi issues - Upload failed (401): You must be identified to edit package information [duplicate]


and email it to you or 4. quit Your selection default 1 1 Username tschellenbach Password Server response 200 OK running upload..

Python, get windows special folders for currently logged-in user


None 0 # prints something like C Documents and Settings Username My Documents My Pictures # Unicode object Check shellcon.CSIDL_xxx..

Use mechanize to log into megaupload


question Search the error message in the response body Username and password do not match in br.response .read Or check if you..

opening websites using urllib2 from behind corporate firewall - 11004 getaddrinfo failed


this question If you are using Proxy and that proxy has Username and Password which many corporate proxies have you need to set..

Multi threaded web scraper using urlretrieve on a cookie-enabled site


from multiprocessing import pool def FetchReports links Username Password VendorID pool multiprocessing.Pool processes 4 initializer.. initializer Fetch._ProcessStart initargs SiteBase DataPath Username Password VendorID pool.map Fetch.DownloadJob links pool.close..

How can I have Django user registration single step (instead of two step)process with email compulsory?


username and password. username forms.RegexField label _ Username max_length 30 regex r'^ w.@ ' help_text _ Required. 30 characters..

Python: Script to send SMS on International numbers?


taken here if ask_username username raw_input Enter USERNAME if ask_password passwd getpass if ask_message message raw_input..

Python Application does nothing


os.getenv COMPUTERNAME Home.Username os.getenv USERNAME Home.Homedir os.getenv HOMEPATH else Home.ComputerName os.getenv..

Python mechanize login to website


keep session cookies post data action login login_nick USERNAME login_pwd PASSWORD O outfile.htm http domain.com index.php The.. application x www form urlencoded TextControl login_nick USERNAME PasswordControl login_pwd PASSWORD CheckboxControl login_auto..

How do you set up a Flask application with SQLAlchemy for testing?


' tmp flaskr.db' DEBUG True SECRET_KEY 'development key' USERNAME 'admin' PASSWORD 'default' # create our little application app..

Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and tr.im


realm 'tr.im' uri TRIM_API_URL user USERNAME passwd PASSWORD opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener.. password_mgr.add_password None TRIM_API_URL USERNAME PASSWORD auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler password_mgr.. s username s password s' TRIM_API_URL url_to_trim USERNAME PASSWORD url response.read .strip ...then not only is url..

Sending mail from Python using SMTP


debuglevel smtp.connect 'YOUR.MAIL.SERVER' 26 smtp.login 'USERNAME@DOMAIN' 'PASSWORD' from_addr John Doe john@doe.net to_addr foo@bar.com.. destination 'recipient@her_email_domain.com' USERNAME USER_NAME_FOR_INTERNET_SERVICE_PROVIDER PASSWORD PASSWORD_INTERNET_SERVICE_PROVIDER.. conn SMTP SMTPserver conn.set_debuglevel False conn.login USERNAME PASSWORD try conn.sendmail sender destination msg.as_string..