

python Programming Glossary: utc_dt

From a timezone and a UTC time, get the difference in seconds vs local time at that point in time


import pytz st_tz pytz.timezone 'Europe Stockholm' utc_dt datetime.utcfromtimestamp posix_timestamp .replace tzinfo pytz.utc.. .replace tzinfo pytz.utc st_dt st_tz.normalize utc_dt.astimezone st_tz print st_dt.strftime ' Y m d H M S Z z' share..

How to convert a python utc datetime to a local datetime using only python standard library?


Python 3.3 from datetime import timezone def utc_to_local utc_dt return utc_dt.replace tzinfo timezone.utc .astimezone tz None.. datetime import timezone def utc_to_local utc_dt return utc_dt.replace tzinfo timezone.utc .astimezone tz None In Python 2.. from datetime import datetime timedelta def utc_to_local utc_dt # get integer timestamp to avoid precision lost timestamp calendar.timegm..

How do I convert local time to UTC in Python?


12 Y m d H M S local_dt local.localize naive is_dst None utc_dt local_dt.astimezone pytz.utc From there you can use the strftime..