

python Programming Glossary: userprofileform

Extending the user profile in Django. Admin creation of users


for an empty form. You need to override it manually class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm def __init__ self args kwargs super UserProfileForm.. forms.ModelForm def __init__ self args kwargs super UserProfileForm self .__init__ args kwargs if self.instance.pk is None self.empty_permitted..

How to create a UserProfile form in Django with first_name, last_name modifications?


fields as well as some User field. But there is no forms.UserProfileForm yet How do you do that python django profile django forms .. improve this question Here is how I finally did class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm first_name forms.CharField label _ u'Prénom'.. _ u'Nom' max_length 30 def __init__ self args kw super UserProfileForm self .__init__ args kw self.fields 'first_name' .initial self.instance.user.first_name..

Django, updating a user profile with a ModelForm


False user User.objects.get pk request.user.id upform UserProfileForm instance user.get_profile if request.method 'POST' userprofile.. user.get_profile if request.method 'POST' userprofile UserProfileForm request.POST instance user.get_profile if userprofile.is_valid.. pk request.user.id if request.method 'POST' upform UserProfileForm request.POST instance user.get_profile if upform.is_valid up..

Django - User, UserProfile, and Admin


if request.method 'POST' uf UserForm request.POST upf UserProfileForm request.POST if uf.is_valid and upf.is_valid user uf.save userprofile.. HttpResponseRedirect ' auth login ' else uf UserForm upf UserProfileForm return render_to_response 'register.html' dict userform uf userprofileform..

Improving Python/django view code


if possible. Makes the process easier. # forms.py class UserProfileForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model UserProfile widgets 'user'.. CheckEmailMixin self .dispatch request args kwargs class UserProfileFormView FormView ModelFormMixin Responsible for displaying and validating.. it sets the User automatically within the form form_class UserProfileForm template_name 'registration profile.html' # whatever your template..