

python Programming Glossary: userprofileinline

Extending the user profile in Django. Admin creation of users


import User from accounts.models import UserProfile class UserProfileInline admin.TabularInline model UserProfile class UserAdmin DjangoUserAdmin.. model UserProfile class UserAdmin DjangoUserAdmin inlines UserProfileInline admin.site.unregister User admin.site.register User UserAdmin.. False # Here class Meta model UserProfile class UserProfileInline admin.TabularInline model UserProfile form UserProfileForm..

How to set up Django models with two types of users with very different attributes


User I already had to add the following code class UserProfileInline admin.StackedInline model UserProfile can_delete False verbose_name_plural.. 'profile' class UserAdmin UserAdmin inlines UserProfileInline However I would like the information for the Business or Student..

Django - User, UserProfile, and Admin


import UserAdmin admin.site.unregister User class UserProfileInline admin.StackedInline model UserProfile class UserProfileAdmin.. model UserProfile class UserProfileAdmin UserAdmin inlines UserProfileInline admin.site.register User UserProfileAdmin However I don't think.. import UserProfile admin.site.unregister User class UserProfileInline admin.StackedInline model UserProfile class UserProfileAdmin..