

python Programming Glossary: userprofile

Extending the user profile in Django. Admin creation of users


import User from accounts.models import UserProfile class UserProfileInline admin.TabularInline model UserProfile.. import User from accounts.models import UserProfile class UserProfileInline admin.TabularInline model UserProfile class UserAdmin.. class UserProfileInline admin.TabularInline model UserProfile class UserAdmin DjangoUserAdmin inlines UserProfileInline admin.site.unregister..

Django Admin: Ordering of ForeignKey and ManyToManyField relations referencing User


User I have an application that makes use of Django's UserProfile to extend the built in Django User model. Looks a bit like class.. the built in Django User model. Looks a bit like class UserProfile models.Model user models.ForeignKey User unique True # Local..

How to create a UserProfile form in Django with first_name, last_name modifications?


to create a UserProfile form in Django with first_name last_name modifications If think.. is pretty obvious and almost every developer working with UserProfile should be able to answer it. However I could not find any help.. documentation or in the Django Book. When you want to do a UserProfile form in with Django Forms you'd like to modify the profile fields..

Django: signal when user logs in?


solution I have added an is_logged_in boolean field to the UserProfile model which is cleared by default is set the first time the.. ' ' and is queried in subsequent requests. I added it to UserProfile so I don't have to derive from and customize the builtin User.. nitpicking though is_logged_in does not belong in the UserProfile but in the User model. Can anyone think of alternate approaches..

Django - User, UserProfile, and Admin


User UserProfile and Admin I'm trying to get the Django Admin interface to display.. code after a quick google search from auth.models import UserProfile from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.models.. import UserAdmin admin.site.unregister User class UserProfileInline admin.StackedInline model UserProfile class UserProfileAdmin..