

python Programming Glossary: utilizes

Create NTFS junction point in Python


this folder . Hope that helps. Also unlike the answer that utilizes uses the CreateSymbolicLinkA API the linked implementation should..

python3 recursion animation in QuickDraw


how to write code that imports the data from the file and utilizes it through recursion to create an animation similar to the one..

python libraries for ssh handling


finally print closing connection ssh.close print closed 1 utilizes the 2 and provides some higher level functions. If the latter..

What's the best solution for OpenID with Django?


It integrated seamlessly with my application that already utilizes the django.auth module. https launchpad.net django openid auth..

Can this Python postfix notation (reverse polish notation) interpreter be made more efficient and accurate?


Here is a Python postfix notation interpreter which utilizes a stack to evaluate the expressions. Is it possible to make..

Communicating with a running python daemon


wrote a small Python application that runs as a daemon. It utilizes threading and queues. I'm looking for general approaches to..

Some NLP stuff to do with grammar, tagging, stemming, and word sense disambiguation in Python


I've developed the word selection algorithm already it utilizes various features of WordNet to come up with its single word..

Django cannot find my media files (on development server)


and STATIC_URL settings. django.views.static.serve utilizes the new staticfiles app which you haven't set up. Assuming you're..