

python Programming Glossary: utf_8

Best way to decode unknown unicoding encoding in Python 2.5


be in most likely order to save time encodings ascii utf_8 big5 big5hkscs cp037 cp424 cp437 cp500 cp737 cp775 cp850 cp852.. utf_32_be utf_32_le utf_16 utf_16_be utf_16_le utf_7 utf_8_sig def unicode string '''make unicode''' for enc in self.encodings..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


a base and encodings are mappings of subsets of that base. utf_8 has room for every character in unicode but because they aren't.. the same place as for instance latin_1 a string encoded in utf_8 and sent to a latin_1 console will not look the way you expect... from a source it must have some encoding like latin_1 or utf_8. In my case I'm getting strings from filenames so unfortunately..

tag generation from a text content
