

python Programming Glossary: utf8

How to make the python interpreter correctly handle non-ASCII characters in string operations?


tutorial interpreter.html#source code encoding Assuming utf8 this would go at the top # coding utf 8 The source file must..

Whether to use “SET NAMES”


. I'm a bit confused because I used to put SET NAMES utf8 on the top of every script to let the db know that my queries.. top of every script to let the db know that my queries are utf8 encoded. Can anyone comment the above quote or to put it more..

MySQL “incorrect string value” error when save unicode string in Django


'char ' Variable_name Value character_set_client utf8 character_set_connection utf8 character_set_database utf8.. character_set_client utf8 character_set_connection utf8 character_set_database utf8 character_set_filesystem binary.. character_set_connection utf8 character_set_database utf8 character_set_filesystem binary character_set_results utf8..

How to display utf-8 in windows console


that doesn't error but prints funny characters #coding utf8 import os import sys import codecs reload sys sys.setdefaultencoding.. 'utf 8' sys.stdout codecs.getwriter 'utf8' sys.stdout sys.stderr codecs.getwriter 'utf8' sys.stderr #print.. 'utf8' sys.stdout sys.stderr codecs.getwriter 'utf8' sys.stderr #print os.popen 'chcp 65001' .read print sys.stdout.encoding..

How to make python 3 print() utf8


to make python 3 print utf8 How to make python 3 3.1 to print Some text to stdout in utf8.. How to make python 3 3.1 to print Some text to stdout in utf8 ... or how to output raw bytes.. Test.py TestText Test ..š ūŪžŽ.. sys.stdout.encoding print TestText print TestText.encode utf8 print TestText.encode cp1252 replace print TestText2 Output..

Python and character normalization


and character normalization Hello I retrieve text based utf8 data from a foreign source which contains special chars such..

Unicode (utf8) reading and writing to files in python


utf8 reading and writing to files in python I'm having some brain.. has an a acute in it. ss u'Capit xe1n' ss8 ss.encode 'utf8' repr ss repr ss8 u'Capit xe1n' 'Capit xc3 xa1n' print ss ss8.. 'f2' .read 'Capit xc3 xa1n n' open 'f1' .read .decode 'utf8' u'Capit xe1n n' open 'f2' .read .decode 'utf8' u'Capit xc3..

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib


MySQLdb as mysql def main conn mysql.connect charset utf8 use_unicode True host localhost user root passwd db if __name__..

How can I detect if a file is binary (non-text) in python?


have just searched for characters greater than 0x7f but utf8 and the like make that impossible on modern systems. Ideally..

Receiving Email Attachments in App Engine Python errors on Unicode Text File


to Blobstore later . The problem is that when I send a UTF8 encoded text file it generates an error. The code basically..

How to encode UTF8 filename for HTTP headers? (Python, Django)


to encode UTF8 filename for HTTP headers Python Django I have problem with..

Whether to use “SET NAMES”


the following Another common garbage query is SET NAMES UTF8 which is the wrong way to do things anyway it does not change..

MySQL “incorrect string value” error when save unicode string in Django


multibyte.html I found the following Name Bytes Char UTF8 1 4 Is it means unicode char has maxlen of 4 bytes in PostgreSQL..

Encoding in python with lxml - complex solution


a little wonky about input encodings. It is best to send UTF8 in and get UTF8 out. You might want to use the chardet module.. about input encodings. It is best to send UTF8 in and get UTF8 out. You might want to use the chardet module or UnicodeDammit..

How to filter (or replace) unicode characters that would take more than 3 bytes in UTF-8?


and uE000 uFFFF will have 3 byte or less encodings in UTF8. The uD800 uDFFF range is for multibyte UTF16. I do not know..

Python csv: UnicodeDecodeError


in position 8 unexpected code byte So maybe my file isn't UTF8 after all How can I tell python encoding csv share improve..

Django Blob Model Field


e.g. psycopg2.DataError invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF8 0xe22665 python django django models django orm django blob..

Is there a unicode-ready substitute I can use for urllib.quote and urllib.unquote in Python 2.6.5?


''.join res 1226 KeyError u' xc3' Encoding the value to UTF8 also does not work In 6 print urllib.unquote urllib.quote u'Cataño'.encode.. at this point have an irilib . Encoding the value to UTF8 also does not work In 6 print urllib.unquote urllib.quote u'Cataño'.encode..

Getting python to print in UTF8 on Windows XP with the console


python to print in UTF8 on Windows XP with the console I would like to configure my.. like to configure my console on Windows XP to support UTF8 and to have python detect that and work with it. So far my attempts.. Documents and Settings Philippe It seems like printing in UTF8 makes python crash now... python windows unicode utf 8 windows..

Convert unicode codepoint to UTF8 hex in python


unicode codepoint to UTF8 hex in python I want to convert a number of unicode codepoints.. a number of unicode codepoints read from a file to their UTF8 encoding. e.g I want to convert the string 'FD9B' to the string..

Reading a UTF8 CSV file with Python


a UTF8 CSV file with Python I am trying to read a CSV file with accented..