

python Programming Glossary: y.min

Matplotlib: How to colorize a large number of line segments as independent gradients, efficiently


x y data.T dist np.hypot np.diff x x.min np.diff y y.min .cumsum t np.r_ 0 dist dist.max ti np.linspace 0 1 num endpoint.. x y data.T dist np.hypot np.diff x x.min np.diff y y.min .cumsum t np.r_ 0 dist dist.max ti np.linspace 0 1 num endpoint.. x y data.T dist np.hypot np.diff x x.min np.diff y y.min .cumsum t np.r_ 0 dist dist.max ti np.linspace 0 1 num endpoint..

matplotlib: format axis offset-values to whole numbers or specific number


x linspace 55478 55486 100 y random 100 0.5 y cumsum y y y.min y 1e 8 # plot plot x y # xticks locs labels xticks xticks locs..

Scipy interpolation how to resize/resample 3x3 matrix to 5x5?


xx numpy.linspace x.min x.max outKSize yy numpy.linspace y.min y.max outKSize newKernel interpolate.RectBivariateSpline x y.. xx numpy.linspace x.min x.max outKSize yy numpy.linspace y.min y.max outKSize newKernel interpolate.RectBivariateSpline x y..

Make a 2D pixel plot with matplotlib


nrows ncols plt.imshow grid extent x.min x.max y.max y.min interpolation 'nearest' cmap cm.gist_rainbow plt.show hsv is..

Polar contour plot in Matplotlib


xgrid np.linspace x.min x.max 100 ygrid np.linspace y.min y.max 100 xgrid ygrid np.meshgrid xgrid ygrid zgrid griddata..

Python : 2d contour plot from 3 lists : x, y and rho?


points xi yi np.linspace x.min x.max 100 np.linspace y.min y.max 100 xi yi np.meshgrid xi yi # Interpolate rbf scipy.interpolate.Rbf.. zi vmin z.min vmax z.max origin 'lower' extent x.min x.max y.min y.max plt.scatter x y c z plt.colorbar plt.show share improve..