

python Programming Glossary: ylim

How to add a second x-axis in matplotlib


1. semilogy 1 1 z mass_acc_massive ' ' label 'DM' xlim 0 1 ylim 1e8 5e12 I would like to have another x axis on the top of my..

Finding moving average from data points in Python


the same graph. So far I have this from pylab import plot ylim xlim show xlabel ylabel from numpy import linspace loadtxt data.. D from __future__ import division from pylab import plot ylim xlim show xlabel ylabel grid from numpy import linspace loadtxt..

Unix: Getting Mouse -coordinates over X like the Mathematica?


unlist p plot mypoints col 'red' ann FALSE xlim 0 1 ylim 0 1 if nrow mypoints 1 xspline mypoints shape 1 mypoints out..

SciPy instead of GNU Octave


plot x fitted_data c blue label fitted function xlim 0 10 ylim 0 350 legend xlabel time since post ylabel coolness of Python..

Matplotlib animation either freezes after a few frames or just doesn't work


hold False # create initial plot z zeros 10 line plot z ylim 3 3 for i in range 60 print 'frame ' i d randn 10 line.set_ydata..

Matplotlib/pyplot: How to enforce axis range?


off will get the right answer but so will calling xlim or ylim after your plot command. I use this quite a lot to invert the..

matplotlib show() doesn't work twice


0 abs Vmin Vmax ScanRate Cycles self.LvsT.set_ylim 3 3 self.LvsT.set_autoscale_on False self.LvsT.clear self.draw.. mode figure 0 subplot 111 autoscale_on False xlim 1.2 1.2 ylim .2 1.2 point plot x 0 y 0 marker 'o' mfc 'r' ms 3 for j in arange..

Linear regression with matplotlib


python - matplotlib - setting aspect ratio


minsize min xsize ysize xlim .4 minsize xsize ylim .4 minsize ysize if aspect 1 xlim aspect else ylim aspect fig.subplots_adjust.. xsize ylim .4 minsize ysize if aspect 1 xlim aspect else ylim aspect fig.subplots_adjust left .5 xlim right .5 xlim bottom.. fig.subplots_adjust left .5 xlim right .5 xlim bottom .5 ylim top .5 ylim fig plt.figure adjustFigAspect fig aspect .5 ax..

matplotlib: limits when using plot and imshow in same axes


after plotting the image seems to increase xlim and ylim resulting in a border which I'd like to get rid of example how.. plot with no effect # get limits after calling imshow xlim ylim pylab.xlim pylab.ylim ... # set limits before after calling.. get limits after calling imshow xlim ylim pylab.xlim pylab.ylim ... # set limits before after calling plot self.axes.set_xlim..