

python Programming Glossary: ydata

Closing pyplot windows


If I want to change a property of the line like change the ydata I can do so by referring to this handle. I can also create a.. C sC.val y_data A x_data x_data B x_data C par_plot.set_ydata y_data draw The par_plot.set_ydata y_data changes the ydata.. B x_data C par_plot.set_ydata y_data draw The par_plot.set_ydata y_data changes the ydata property of the Line2D object with..

Cython and numpy speed


.001 xdata 1. sin 2 pi 1. times .5 sin 2 pi 1.1 times 1. ydata .5 sin 2 pi 1.1 times def xcorr x y return correlate x y mode.. return xy if __name__ __main__ N 10 t Timer xcorr xdata ydata from __main__ import xcorr xdata ydata print 'xcorr' t.timeit.. t Timer xcorr xdata ydata from __main__ import xcorr xdata ydata print 'xcorr' t.timeit number N N t Timer fftxcorr xdata ydata..

Getting standard errors on fitted parameters using the optimize.leastsq method in python


the residual variance ie. s_sq func popt args 2 .sum len ydata len p0 pcov pcov s_sq as in curve_fit.py. This is because leastsq..

Fitting a 3D array of data to a 1D function with numpy or scipy


do this func1d lambda y args optimize.curve_fit f xdata x ydata y args 0 # 0 to get only popt param np.apply_along_axis func1d.. func1d lambda y args optimize.curve_fit f xdata x ydata y args 0 # 0 to get only popt param np.apply_along_axis func1d..

Matplotlib, adding text with more than one line. Adding text that can follow the curve


x y s kwargs from scipy.optimize import curve_fit xdata ydata line.get_data dist np.sqrt x xdata 2 y ydata 2 dmin dist.min.. xdata ydata line.get_data dist np.sqrt x xdata 2 y ydata 2 dmin dist.min TOL_to_avoid_rotation 0.3 if dmin TOL_to_avoid_rotation.. xs xdata index 2 index 1 index index 1 index 2 ys ydata index 2 index 1 index index 1 index 2 def f x a0 a1 a2 a3 return..

Deleting and Redrawing Matplotlib Animation


pi 50 xdata self.maxRadius z np.array cos q for q in theta ydata self.maxRadius z np.array sin q for q in theta zdata z np.ones.. self 'plot_handle' plot_handle self.axes.plot xdata ydata zdata 0 else plot_handle self.plot_handle plot_handle.set_data.. plot_handle self.plot_handle plot_handle.set_data xdata ydata plot_handle.set_3d_properties zdata return plot_handle def animate..

Is there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode?


False def __call__ self event self.event event # xdata ydata event.artist.get_data # self.x self.y xdata event.ind ydata.. event.artist.get_data # self.x self.y xdata event.ind ydata event.ind self.x self.y event.mouseevent.xdata event.mouseevent.ydata.. self.x self.y event.mouseevent.xdata event.mouseevent.ydata if self.x is not None self.annotation.xy self.x self.y self.annotation.set_text..