

python Programming Glossary: yielding

Use of eval in Python?


shape and vetted it for security issues I could compile it yielding a code object and build a new function object out of that. Far..

python: Help to implement an algorithm to find the minimum-area-rectangle for given points in order to compute the major and minor axis length


0 is leftmost point 4 is opposite and point 7 is rightmost yielding an area of 187.451 units. Note that the code uses mostfar to..

Set a cookie and retrieve it with Python and WSGI


like this environ.get HTTP_COOKIE but that has been yielding empty string all the time so I'm just assuming the header cookie..

resampling, interpolating matrix


product the original vector and the matrix I generated yielding a 1 by 10 N vector. I've already worked out the math I'd like..

Porting invRegex.py to Javascript (Node.js)


type should take that previous value to the power of 3 yielding 17576 distinct combinations. If I was to generate a flattened..

list of all paths from source to sink in directed acyclic graph [duplicate]


work. It depends on the expression source_node.children yielding an iterable that will iterate over all the children of source_node..

Weighted random selection with and without replacement


lg2 p finding the index partition. Thus we shift it three yielding 001.1 or position 1 and thus partition 2. If the partition is..

Python: How to get number of mili seconds per jiffy


parameter and can be 100 250 the default or 1000 yielding a jiffies value of respec tively 0.01 0.004 or 0.001 seconds...

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python


the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence itself yielding the sequence 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 etc. If your language supports iterators..

Is there a way to efficiently yield every file in a directory containing millions of files?


on each move operation. If there is an iterator capable of yielding filenames from a path does it raise an error if there are filesystem.. Similarly if the iterator were to fetch fileb.txt when yielding filea.txt it could look up the position of fileb.txt fail and..

Python generator vs callback function


because a generator needs to save state information before yielding and then restore that state when restarting at the next call.. share improve this question What i meant in my comment yielding from a recursive function sounds like it requires extra for..

Python - How to check if a file is used by another application?


. stat the file subtract file's modification time from now yielding D if T D X then open the file and do what you need with it This..

Change newline character .readline() seeks


No. Consider creating a generator using file.read and yielding chunks delimited by given character. Edit The sample you provided..

Python JSON decoding performance


import json Seems to me that's the best idiom for awhile yielding the performance when available while being forwards compatible...

Python: yield-and-delete


the function to hold on to the reference to chunk after yielding it as it is not used further and just consumes memory even if..

Why do I get a MemoryError with itertools.product?


would expect the following snippet to give me an iterator yielding pairs from the Cartesian product of the two input iterables..

Joining a set of ordered-integer yielding Python iterators


a set of ordered integer yielding Python iterators Here is a seemingly simple problem given a..

NumPy vs. multiprocessing and mmap


if __name__ '__main__' main And if you just switch to yielding np.array data start stop instead you'll fix the problem import..