

python Programming Glossary: ymin

Scipy interpolation on a numpy array


array of z values that ranges from some xmin to xmax and ymin to ymax in each direction. Anything outside of those bounding.. 15.9 4.5 9.2 12.2 14.8 18.2 ny nx z.shape xmin xmax 1 5 ymin ymax 10000 20000 # Points we want to interpolate at x1 y1 1.3.. y differently # so we're ust setting the min here... yi yi ymin ymin # We need to convert these to float indicies # xi should..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


the randomly generated data points ndata 20 xmin xmax 8 8 ymin ymax 380 2428 # Generate random data x np.random.randint xmin.. x np.random.randint xmin xmax ndata y np.random.randint ymin ymax ndata z np.random.random ndata # Plot the random data points.. random data points plt.scatter x y c z plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax plt.colorbar plt.show You can then interpolate the data..

How do I plot multiple X or Y axes in matplotlib?


90 angleA 0 rad 5' return arrow if ax is None ax plt.gca ymin ax.get_ylim 0 ypad 0.01 np.ptp ax.get_ylim xcenter np.mean xspan.. np.mean xspan left_arrow annotate ax name xspan 0 xcenter ymin ypad right_arrow annotate ax name xspan 1 xcenter ymin ypad.. ymin ypad right_arrow annotate ax name xspan 1 xcenter ymin ypad return left_arrow right_arrow def make_second_bottom_spine..

How to sort my paws?


around the paw... mask paw 0.01 paw.max y x np.mgrid ny nx ymin ymax y mask .min y mask .max xmin xmax x mask .min x mask .max.. numy 20 20 xi np.linspace xmin xmax numx yi np.linspace ymin ymax numy xi yi np.meshgrid xi yi # Resample the values onto..

Plotting implicit equations in 3d


..the x y and z limits of plotted interval''' xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax bbox 3 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111.. zmin zmax ax.set_xlim3d xmin xmax ax.set_ylim3d ymin ymax plt.show Here's the plot of the Goursat Tangle def goursat_tangle..

set_data and autoscale_view matplotlib


A little bit of exploring got me to this xmin xmax ymin ymax matplotlib.figure.FigureImage.get_extent FigureImage But..