

python Programming Glossary: yedges

Curve fitting in Scipy with 3d data and parameters


mixed_data mbins cbins import numpy as np H xedges yedges np.histogram2d mixed_data 1 mixed_data 2 bins mbins cbins weights.. cbins weights mixed_data 3 x y 0.5 xedges 1 xedges 1 0.5 yedges 1 yedges 1 return H.T x y def gauss x s mu a import numpy as.. mixed_data 3 x y 0.5 xedges 1 xedges 1 0.5 yedges 1 yedges 1 return H.T x y def gauss x s mu a import numpy as np return..

Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set


np.random.randn 8873 y np.random.randn 8873 heatmap xedges yedges np.histogram2d x y bins 50 extent xedges 0 xedges 1 yedges 0.. yedges np.histogram2d x y bins 50 extent xedges 0 xedges 1 yedges 0 yedges 1 plt.clf plt.imshow heatmap extent extent plt.show.. x y bins 50 extent xedges 0 xedges 1 yedges 0 yedges 1 plt.clf plt.imshow heatmap extent extent plt.show This makes..

How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?


111 projection '3d' x y np.random.rand 2 100 4 hist xedges yedges np.histogram2d x y bins 4 elements len xedges 1 len yedges 1.. yedges np.histogram2d x y bins 4 elements len xedges 1 len yedges 1 xpos ypos np.meshgrid xedges 1 0.25 yedges 1 0.25 xpos xpos.flatten.. xedges 1 len yedges 1 xpos ypos np.meshgrid xedges 1 0.25 yedges 1 0.25 xpos xpos.flatten ypos ypos.flatten zpos np.zeros elements..