

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:57

iphone Programming Glossary: cc_md5_digest_length

MD5 algorithm in Objective C


CC_MD5 access @implementation NSString MyExtensions NSString md5 const char cStr self UTF8String unsigned char result CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 cStr strlen cStr result This is the md5 call return NSString stringWithFormat @ 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x.. 11 result 12 result 13 result 14 result 15 @end @implementation NSData MyExtensions NSString md5 unsigned char result CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 self.bytes self.length result This is the md5 call return NSString stringWithFormat @ 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x..

CommonCrypto is no longer part of the iPhone SDK - Where else can I easily get an MD5 function?


apps compiled on the device for 3.0 using the following code that works #import CommonCrypto CommonDigest.h #define CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16 digest length in bytes NSString md5 NSString str const char cStr str UTF8String unsigned char result CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH.. 16 digest length in bytes NSString md5 NSString str const char cStr str UTF8String unsigned char result CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 cStr strlen cStr result return NSString stringWithFormat @ 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X..

iPhone: fast hash function for storing web images (url) as files (hashed filenames)


For posterity here's my own version of that code NSString MD5Hash const char cStr self UTF8String unsigned char result CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 cStr strlen cStr result return NSString stringWithFormat @ 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X..

How do I create a hash of a file on iOS?


@end and this in your .m NSString generateMD5Hash const char string self UTF8String unsigned char md5Buffer CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 string strlen string md5Buffer NSMutableString output NSMutableString stringWithCapacity CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 2 for.. CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 string strlen string md5Buffer NSMutableString output NSMutableString stringWithCapacity CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 2 for int i 0 i CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH i output appendFormat @ 02x md5Buffer i return output you can implement this by making.. strlen string md5Buffer NSMutableString output NSMutableString stringWithCapacity CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 2 for int i 0 i CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH i output appendFormat @ 02x md5Buffer i return output you can implement this by making a new class called NSString MD5 and..