

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: null

How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK?


NSString stringWithContentsOfURL NSURL URLWithString @ http www.google.com return URLString NULL YES NO Is what I have done bad Not to mention stringWithContentsOfURL is deprecated in 3.0 And if so..

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]


iPod1 1 iPod touch 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString.. touch 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString.. hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine return..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


keyboard is shown dismissed void setViewMovedUp BOOL movedUp UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.3 if you want to slide up the view CGRect rect self.view.frame if movedUp..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading... nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path..

Programmatically Request Access to Contacts


authorization to Address Book ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL NULL if ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion.. authorization to Address Book ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL NULL if ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion..

How to Rotate a UIImage 90 degrees?


sourceImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetHeight targetWidth CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo.. CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo else bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetWidth targetHeight CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo..

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


CTFontRef ctBoldFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef boldFont.fontName boldFont.pointSize NULL UIFont font UIFont systemFontOfSize 13 CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef font.fontName.. systemFontOfSize 13 CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef font.fontName font.pointSize NULL CGColorRef cgColor UIColor whiteColor .CGColor NSDictionary attributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


numberWithBool YES kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey nil CVPixelBufferRef pxbuffer NULL CVReturn status CVPixelBufferCreate kCFAllocatorDefault frameSize.width frameSize.height kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB.. CFDictionaryRef options pxbuffer NSParameterAssert status kCVReturnSuccess pxbuffer NULL CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress pxbuffer 0 void pxdata CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress pxbuffer NSParameterAssert.. pxbuffer 0 void pxdata CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress pxbuffer NSParameterAssert pxdata NULL CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB CGContextRef context CGBitmapContextCreate..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


into a new context applying the transform calculated above. CGContextRef ctx CGBitmapContextCreate NULL self.size.width self.size.height CGImageGetBitsPerComponent self.CGImage 0 CGImageGetColorSpace..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL After this you need to parse the response grab the session key and create a UIWebView to take them to..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


int dataSent 0 int dataReceived 0 success getifaddrs addrs 0 if success cursor addrs while cursor NULL if cursor ifa_addr sa_family AF_LINK dlAddr const struct sockaddr_dl cursor ifa_addr networkStatisc.. NSString alloc init autorelease success getifaddrs addrs 0 if success cursor addrs while cursor NULL name NSString stringWithFormat @ s cursor ifa_name NSLog @ ifa_name s @ n cursor ifa_name name names..

Disabling implicit animations in -[CALayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:]


this question You can do this by setting the actions dictionary on the layer to return NSNull null as an animation for the appropriate key. For example I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary.. I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn NSNull null @ onOrderOut NSNull null @ sublayers NSNull null @ contents NSNull null.. newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn NSNull null @ onOrderOut NSNull null @ sublayers NSNull null @ contents NSNull null @ bounds nil layer.actions..

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5


evt.initMouseEvent evt.initMouseEvent click true true window 0 0 0 0 0 false false false false 0 null el.dispatchEvent evt el .remove function var video #someVideo .get 0 fakeClick function video.play..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


DemoApp 160 307 dateString 2011 07 11 05 44 43 PM 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null.. 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001.. 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001 05 05 05 34 56 PM 0000 2011 07 11 17 44 43.311 DemoApp..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


rm r Payload Application.app _CodeSignature Payload Application.app CodeResources 2 dev null true Replace embedded mobile provisioning profile cp MyEnterprise.mobileprovision Payload Application.app..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK?


on my application. BOOL connectedToInternet NSString URLString NSString stringWithContentsOfURL NSURL URLWithString @ http www.google.com return URLString NULL YES NO Is what I have done bad Not to mention stringWithContentsOfURL is deprecated in 3.0 And if so what is a better way to accomplish this iphone objective c..

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]


Hardware Platforms iPhone1 1 iPhone 1G iPhone1 2 iPhone 3G iPod1 1 iPod touch 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. Platforms iPhone1 1 iPhone 1G iPhone1 2 iPhone 3G iPod1 1 iPod touch 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine.. 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine return platform This works and apps using this have been lately..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


YES method to move the view up down whenever the keyboard is shown dismissed void setViewMovedUp BOOL movedUp UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.3 if you want to slide up the view CGRect rect self.view.frame if movedUp 1. move the view's origin up so that the text field that..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path to the upload file. Side effects None.. effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path to the upload file. Side effects None NSString filePath..

Programmatically Request Access to Contacts


I ended up doing. #import AddressBookUI AddressBookUI.h Request authorization to Address Book ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL NULL if ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion addressBookRef ^ bool granted CFErrorRef.. up doing. #import AddressBookUI AddressBookUI.h Request authorization to Address Book ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL NULL if ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion addressBookRef ^ bool granted CFErrorRef error..

How to Rotate a UIImage 90 degrees?


CGContextRef bitmap if sourceImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationUp sourceImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetHeight targetWidth CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo else bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetWidth.. NULL targetHeight targetWidth CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo else bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetWidth targetHeight CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo if sourceImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationRight..

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


fontSize 13 UIFont boldFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize fontSize CTFontRef ctBoldFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef boldFont.fontName boldFont.pointSize NULL UIFont font UIFont systemFontOfSize 13 CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef font.fontName font.pointSize NULL CGColorRef cgColor UIColor whiteColor.. boldFont.pointSize NULL UIFont font UIFont systemFontOfSize 13 CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef font.fontName font.pointSize NULL CGColorRef cgColor UIColor whiteColor .CGColor NSDictionary attributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys id ctBoldFont id kCTFontAttributeName cgColor..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


YES kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey NSNumber numberWithBool YES kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey nil CVPixelBufferRef pxbuffer NULL CVReturn status CVPixelBufferCreate kCFAllocatorDefault frameSize.width frameSize.height kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB CFDictionaryRef options pxbuffer NSParameterAssert.. frameSize.width frameSize.height kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB CFDictionaryRef options pxbuffer NSParameterAssert status kCVReturnSuccess pxbuffer NULL CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress pxbuffer 0 void pxdata CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress pxbuffer NSParameterAssert pxdata NULL CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB.. status kCVReturnSuccess pxbuffer NULL CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress pxbuffer 0 void pxdata CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress pxbuffer NSParameterAssert pxdata NULL CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB CGContextRef context CGBitmapContextCreate pxdata frameSize.width frameSize.height 8 4 frameSize.width..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


break Now we draw the underlying CGImage into a new context applying the transform calculated above. CGContextRef ctx CGBitmapContextCreate NULL self.size.width self.size.height CGImageGetBitsPerComponent self.CGImage 0 CGImageGetColorSpace self.CGImage CGImageGetBitmapInfo self.CGImage CGContextConcatCTM..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL After this you need to parse the response grab the session key and create a UIWebView to take them to the mobile paypal site. Paypal lets you specify a return URL..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


dlAddr nil const struct if_data networkStatisc nil int dataSent 0 int dataReceived 0 success getifaddrs addrs 0 if success cursor addrs while cursor NULL if cursor ifa_addr sa_family AF_LINK dlAddr const struct sockaddr_dl cursor ifa_addr networkStatisc const struct if_data cursor ifa_data if type WiFi dataSent.. 0 int WWANSent 0 int WWANReceived 0 NSString name NSString alloc init autorelease success getifaddrs addrs 0 if success cursor addrs while cursor NULL name NSString stringWithFormat @ s cursor ifa_name NSLog @ ifa_name s @ n cursor ifa_name name names of interfaces en0 is WiFi pdp_ip0 is WWAN if cursor ifa_addr..

Disabling implicit animations in -[CALayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:]


result . iphone ios core animation calayer share improve this question You can do this by setting the actions dictionary on the layer to return NSNull null as an animation for the appropriate key. For example I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn.. NSNull null as an animation for the appropriate key. For example I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn NSNull null @ onOrderOut NSNull null @ sublayers NSNull null @ contents NSNull null @ bounds nil layer.actions newActions newActions release.. for the appropriate key. For example I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn NSNull null @ onOrderOut NSNull null @ sublayers NSNull null @ contents NSNull null @ bounds nil layer.actions newActions newActions release to disable fade in out..

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5


evt document.createEvent MouseEvents if evt.initMouseEvent evt.initMouseEvent click true true window 0 0 0 0 0 false false false false 0 null el.dispatchEvent evt el .remove function var video #someVideo .get 0 fakeClick function video.play script This is not my source. I've found this some time..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


__NSCFLocale 0x11a820 en_US_POSIX 2011 07 11 17 44 43.257 DemoApp 160 307 dateString 2011 07 11 05 44 43 PM 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001 05 05 05.. 44 43.257 DemoApp 160 307 dateString 2011 07 11 05 44 43 PM 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001 05 05 05 34 56 PM 0000 2011 07 11 17 44 43.311 DemoApp 160.. 44 43 PM 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001 05 05 05 34 56 PM 0000 2011 07 11 17 44 43.311 DemoApp 160 307 Extended class's locale __NSCFLocale 0x11a820..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


Solution Unzip the IPA unzip Application.ipa Remove old CodeSignature rm r Payload Application.app _CodeSignature Payload Application.app CodeResources 2 dev null true Replace embedded mobile provisioning profile cp MyEnterprise.mobileprovision Payload Application.app embedded.mobileprovision Re sign usr bin codesign f s..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK?


NSString URLString NSString stringWithContentsOfURL NSURL URLWithString @ http www.google.com return URLString NULL YES NO Is what I have done bad Not to mention stringWithContentsOfURL is deprecated in 3.0 And if so what is a better way..

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]


iPhone1 2 iPhone 3G iPod1 1 iPod touch 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString.. iPhone 3G iPod1 1 iPod touch 1G iPod2 1 iPod touch 2G NSString platform size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine.. size_t size sysctlbyname hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine return platform This works..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


up down whenever the keyboard is shown dismissed void setViewMovedUp BOOL movedUp UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.3 if you want to slide up the view CGRect rect self.view.frame if movedUp 1. move the view's..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path.. release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path to the upload file...

Programmatically Request Access to Contacts


AddressBookUI.h Request authorization to Address Book ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL NULL if ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion.. Request authorization to Address Book ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL NULL if ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion addressBookRef..

How to Rotate a UIImage 90 degrees?


UIImageOrientationUp sourceImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetHeight targetWidth CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo else.. imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo else bitmap CGBitmapContextCreate NULL targetWidth targetHeight CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo if..

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


fontSize CTFontRef ctBoldFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef boldFont.fontName boldFont.pointSize NULL UIFont font UIFont systemFontOfSize 13 CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef font.fontName font.pointSize NULL.. UIFont font UIFont systemFontOfSize 13 CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef font.fontName font.pointSize NULL CGColorRef cgColor UIColor whiteColor .CGColor NSDictionary attributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys id ctBoldFont..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


NSNumber numberWithBool YES kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey nil CVPixelBufferRef pxbuffer NULL CVReturn status CVPixelBufferCreate kCFAllocatorDefault frameSize.width frameSize.height kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB CFDictionaryRef.. kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB CFDictionaryRef options pxbuffer NSParameterAssert status kCVReturnSuccess pxbuffer NULL CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress pxbuffer 0 void pxdata CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress pxbuffer NSParameterAssert pxdata NULL CGColorSpaceRef.. NULL CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress pxbuffer 0 void pxdata CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress pxbuffer NSParameterAssert pxdata NULL CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB CGContextRef context CGBitmapContextCreate pxdata frameSize.width..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


underlying CGImage into a new context applying the transform calculated above. CGContextRef ctx CGBitmapContextCreate NULL self.size.width self.size.height CGImageGetBitsPerComponent self.CGImage 0 CGImageGetColorSpace self.CGImage CGImageGetBitmapInfo..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL After this you need to parse the response grab the session key and create a UIWebView to take them to the mobile paypal..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


networkStatisc nil int dataSent 0 int dataReceived 0 success getifaddrs addrs 0 if success cursor addrs while cursor NULL if cursor ifa_addr sa_family AF_LINK dlAddr const struct sockaddr_dl cursor ifa_addr networkStatisc const struct if_data.. 0 NSString name NSString alloc init autorelease success getifaddrs addrs 0 if success cursor addrs while cursor NULL name NSString stringWithFormat @ s cursor ifa_name NSLog @ ifa_name s @ n cursor ifa_name name names of interfaces en0..

Disabling implicit animations in -[CALayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:]


share improve this question You can do this by setting the actions dictionary on the layer to return NSNull null as an animation for the appropriate key. For example I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys.. key. For example I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn NSNull null @ onOrderOut NSNull null @ sublayers NSNull null @ contents NSNull null @ bounds nil layer.actions.. I use NSMutableDictionary newActions NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys NSNull null @ onOrderIn NSNull null @ onOrderOut NSNull null @ sublayers NSNull null @ contents NSNull null @ bounds nil layer.actions newActions newActions..

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5


MouseEvents if evt.initMouseEvent evt.initMouseEvent click true true window 0 0 0 0 0 false false false false 0 null el.dispatchEvent evt el .remove function var video #someVideo .get 0 fakeClick function video.play script This..

How to convert an NSString to hex values


8 bytes. @param s The string to encode. @return The encoded string. public static String utf8HexEncode String s if s null return null byte utf8 try utf8 s.getBytes ENCODING_UTF8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException x throw new RuntimeException.. s The string to encode. @return The encoded string. public static String utf8HexEncode String s if s null return null byte utf8 try utf8 s.getBytes ENCODING_UTF8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException x throw new RuntimeException x return String.valueOf.. string. @throws Exception If an error occurs. public static String utf8HexDecode String s throws Exception if s null return null return new String Hex.decodeHex s.toCharArray ENCODING_UTF8 Update Thanks to drawnonward's answer here's the..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


07 11 17 44 43.257 DemoApp 160 307 dateString 2011 07 11 05 44 43 PM 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298.. 07 11 05 44 43 PM 2011 07 11 17 44 43.264 DemoApp 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001 05 05 05 34 56 PM.. 160 307 date1 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.272 DemoApp 160 307 date2 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.280 DemoApp 160 307 date3 null 2011 07 11 17 44 43.298 DemoApp 160 307 date4 2001 05 05 05 34 56 PM 0000 2011 07 11 17 44 43.311 DemoApp 160 307 Extended..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


Remove old CodeSignature rm r Payload Application.app _CodeSignature Payload Application.app CodeResources 2 dev null true Replace embedded mobile provisioning profile cp MyEnterprise.mobileprovision Payload Application.app embedded.mobileprovision..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


GET URL link from uploaded image to dropbox with SDK


using the method below. There are several methods owned by DBMetaData such as root and content but I always recieve a Null response. If anyone could possibly lead me in the right direction to grab that information from the response that would..

iphone : Settings.bundle returns null value


Bundle' After that I could see Root.plist but now could not get its values in application. Actually getting Null instead of value. Below is code and image of Settings.bundle NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults..

iphone+Difference between nil,NIL and null


in the learning stage. I want to know the difference between nil NIL and null . I've googled around and found this nil Null pointer to objective c object NIL Null pointer to objective c class null null pointer to primitive type or absence of data... difference between nil NIL and null . I've googled around and found this nil Null pointer to objective c object NIL Null pointer to objective c class null null pointer to primitive type or absence of data. But I'm not able to get the terms objective.. for arbitrary C pointers. For instance int pointerToInt NULL char pointerToChar NULL struct TreeNode rootNode NULL NSNull is a class for objects that represent null. In fact there ™s only one object namely the one returned by NSNull null . It..

srand(time(null)) on iPhone don't work =(


random numbers in my iPhone game. I using rand function. But it isn't enough random. I tried using srand with time Null . But my random generator was periodic. dev random isn't an answer because I need new random number each 0.1 sec. iphone..

What are the differences between nil, NULL and [NSNULL nil]?


forKeys count attempt to insert nil value at objects 0 key searched ' Then I tried the below code if Obj id NSNull null Obj is an id NSLog @ Obj is id NSNull null else if Obj nil NSLog @ Obj is nil else if Obj NULL NSLog @ Obj is NULL.. value at objects 0 key searched ' Then I tried the below code if Obj id NSNull null Obj is an id NSLog @ Obj is id NSNull null else if Obj nil NSLog @ Obj is nil else if Obj NULL NSLog @ Obj is NULL else NSLog @ Obj is something else searchedDict.. above code when Obj was NSString and my app got terminated due to nil value I got the NSLog message as 'Obj is id NSNull null '. What are the differences between nil NULL and NSNULL nil Are there different kinds of Null values if yes How to..

Cant find custom font - iOS


UIFont fontWithName @ London font size 22 and NSLog @ @ UIFont fontWithName @ LONDON__.TTF size 22 Both of them return Null. Although the file is named LONDON__.TTF the font appear as everyone in Font Book. is this the issue ios iphone fonts ..

How will I be able to remove [NSNull Null] objects from NSMutableArray?


will I be able to remove NSNull Null objects from NSMutableArray I need to remove Null object added by mutArrSkills addObject NSNull null Do I need to.. will I be able to remove NSNull Null objects from NSMutableArray I need to remove Null object added by mutArrSkills addObject NSNull null Do I need to iterate.. will I be able to remove NSNull Null objects from NSMutableArray I need to remove Null object added by mutArrSkills addObject NSNull null Do I need to iterate Is there any function to remove all null values..

What is the right way to check for a null string in Objective-C?


some exception and the console shows that the title is null . So I'm using this now if title nil title isKindOfClass NSNull class do something What is the difference and what is the best way to determine whether a string is null iphone objective.. out there are many kinds of null under Cocoa Objective C. But one further thing to note is that title isKindOfClass NSNull class is pointlessly complex since NSNull null is documented to be a singleton so you can just check for pointer equality... Objective C. But one further thing to note is that title isKindOfClass NSNull class is pointlessly complex since NSNull null is documented to be a singleton so you can just check for pointer equality. See Topics for Cocoa Using Null . So a..