

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: num

UITableView issue when using separate delegate/dataSource


is set to an Xcode generated subclass of UIViewController . To this subclass I have added working implementations of numberOfSectionsInTableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection and tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath and the Table View's dataSource.. of UIViewController . To this subclass I have added working implementations of numberOfSectionsInTableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection and tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath and the Table View's dataSource and delegate are connected to this.. I try the following Create a new subclass of UITableViewController in Xcode Move the known good implementations of numberOfSectionsInTableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection and tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath to the new subclass Drag a UITableViewController..

Return 1st from 1, 2nd from 2, …, 11th from 11,


31st for the range from 1 to 31. Thanks iphone cocoa touch share improve this question NSString stringFromInt int num NSString stringAddition if num 100 11 num 100 13 stringAddition @ th else switch num 10 case 1 stringAddition @ st break.. Thanks iphone cocoa touch share improve this question NSString stringFromInt int num NSString stringAddition if num 100 11 num 100 13 stringAddition @ th else switch num 10 case 1 stringAddition @ st break case 2 stringAddition @ nd break.. cocoa touch share improve this question NSString stringFromInt int num NSString stringAddition if num 100 11 num 100 13 stringAddition @ th else switch num 10 case 1 stringAddition @ st break case 2 stringAddition @ nd break case 3..

Get the device's phone number programmatically [duplicate]


the device's phone number programmatically duplicate This question already has an answer here Programmatically get own phone number in iOS .. phone number programmatically duplicate This question already has an answer here Programmatically get own phone number in iOS 7 answers I need to get my iOS device's phone number programatically. Via google I found this code NSString.. an answer here Programmatically get own phone number in iOS 7 answers I need to get my iOS device's phone number programatically. Via google I found this code NSString num NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults stringForKey @ SBFormattedPhoneNumber..

UITextField format in xx-xx-xxx


format in xx xx xxx I am using UITextField and i want that should take character in the format of xx xx xxx only numbers. any help iphone objective c ios uitextfield share improve this question Try below it will work BOOL textField.. @ formatter setGroupingSize 4 formatter setUsesGroupingSeparator YES formatter setSecondaryGroupingSize 2 NSString num textField.text num num stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ withString @ NSString str formatter stringFromNumber NSNumber.. 4 formatter setUsesGroupingSeparator YES formatter setSecondaryGroupingSize 2 NSString num textField.text num num stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ withString @ NSString str formatter stringFromNumber NSNumber numberWithDouble..

How to write data in plist?


atomically YES Reading data from save.plist NSLog temp objectForKey @ name NSLog temp objectForKey @ wish NSNumber num temp valueForKey @ roll int i num intValue printf d i writitng the data in save.plist temp setValue @ green forKey @ color.. save.plist NSLog temp objectForKey @ name NSLog temp objectForKey @ wish NSNumber num temp valueForKey @ roll int i num intValue printf d i writitng the data in save.plist temp setValue @ green forKey @ color temp writeToFile plistPath atomically.. NSMutableDictionary infoDict NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile plistPath infoDict setObject NSNumber numberWithBool hidden forKey @ LSUIElement infoDict writeToFile plistPath atomically NO manager changeFileAttributes NSDictionary..

Incorrect number of objects getting added to mutable array


number of objects getting added to mutable array I have a view controller with table view that contains 8 cells sections .I.. alloc initWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @ reminderbutton.png textField.tag 105 textField.text reminderInstance.numDays textField.inputView self.reminderPicker cell.contentView addSubview textField break case 4 NSString cellIdentifierE.. toggleButton forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside NSString one reminderInstance.selString NSNumber i NSNumber numberWithInt one intValue BOOL isOn i boolValue if isOn checkboxButton setImage UIImage imageNamed @ checkarrow.png forState..

Load all cells in UITableView before scrolling


is new if cellIdentifierF isEqualToString fourthCellIdentifier textField.tag 105 textField.text reminderInstance.numDays textField.inputView self.reminderPicker NSLog @ Value @ textField.text cell.contentView addSubview textField self.fields.. forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside NSString one reminderInstance.selString NSNumber i NSNumber numberWithInt one intValue BOOL isOn i boolValue if isOn checkboxButton setImage UIImage imageNamed @ checkarrow.png forState.. to cell if it is new if cellIdentifierF isEqualToString sixthCellIdentifier textField.placeholder @ Enter the number here self.textField setValue UIColor purpleColor forKeyPath @ _placeholderLabel.textColor textField.text num textField.text..