

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: numberwithinteger

Basic array comparison algorithm


Sorting 2 NSArrays together side by side


NSMutableArray p NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity first.count for NSUInteger i 0 i first.count i p addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger i p sortWithOptions 0 usingComparator ^NSComparisonResult id obj1 id obj2 Modify this to use first objectAtIndex obj1 intValue..

hours minutes seconds to seconds ios


How to print a NSInteger value from an NSManagedObject using NSLog


and then display using an NSLog format string MyProcess myProcess array objectAtIndex i NSInteger sequence NSNumber numberWithInteger NSInteger myProcess.sequence intValue NSLog @ sequence d myProcess.sequence Console output is 2009 10 06 16 11 05.871 MyProcess.. i NSLog @ sequence i myProcess.sequence integerValue I think that in this bit of code NSInteger sequence NSNumber numberWithInteger NSInteger myProcess.sequence intValue the NSInteger myProcess.sequence actually gets the memory address of the NSNumber...

[CFNumber release]: message sent to deallocated instance


inManagedObjectContext self.document.managedObjectContext history.identifier identifier history.followers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.following NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.newFollowers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.unfollowers.. history.identifier identifier history.followers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.following NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.newFollowers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.unfollowers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.fans NSNumber.. NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.following NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.newFollowers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.unfollowers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.fans NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.mutualFriends NSNumber..

iphone addressbook - getting null item in ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID


contactLast contactCompany NSString ABRecordCopyValue person kABPersonOrganizationProperty NSNumber recordId NSNumber numberWithInteger ABRecordGetRecordID person NSLog @ record id is d recordId NSLog @ Person Reference d person NSLog @ Name @ contactName.. insert an NSNumber object into a format string such as for NSLog you should use @ not d . NSNumber recordId NSNumber numberWithInteger ABRecordGetRecordID person NSLog @ record id is @ recordId Similarly if you have the recordID in an NSNumber object you..

Core Data Table View Section Sort by weekdays using NSSortDescriptor


kSunday WeekDay Set the day property of your managed objects to be NSNumber objects. For example object.day NSNumber numberWithInteger kMonday Implement the getter function for the transient dayName property NSString dayName switch WeekDay self.day.integerValue..

lazy loading images in UITableView iPhone SDK


NSMutableArray parameters NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity 2 parameters addObject url parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger index parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger width parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger height self.imageView.tag.. 2 parameters addObject url parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger index parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger width parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger height self.imageView.tag index self performSelectorInBackground @selector.. NSNumber numberWithInteger index parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger width parameters addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger height self.imageView.tag index self performSelectorInBackground @selector loadAsyncBackground withObject parameters void..

Arbitrary Attributes in Core Data


int i di if ascending i 0 di 1 else i sortedEntries count di 1 for Entry e in sortedEntries e.displayOrder NSNumber numberWithInteger i i di saveMOC moc @end This has two major problems It's slow even with small data sets. It can take an arbitrarily large..

Can I use PayPal in iPhone/iPad apps?


count i cart Cart e_commerceAppDelegate.cartList objectAtIndex i item.name cart.proName item.itemCount NSNumber numberWithInteger cart.quantity NSString itemSingPrice NSString stringWithFormat @ .2f cart.price item.itemPrice NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString..

AudioQueue how to find out playback length of queued data


break default NSException raise @ AudioFileUknownError format @ An unknown error type @ occured. s NSNumber numberWithInteger statusCode char statusCode break AudioFileTypeID hintForFileExtension NSString fileExtension AudioFileTypeID fileTypeHint..

Getting Index of an Object from NSArray?


for testing purposes i am having an array with values 57 56 58.. to get an index of lets say 56 NSNumber num NSNumber numberWithInteger 56 NSInteger Aindex myArray indexOfObject num NSLog @ d Aindex the value i get is something like 2323421 . what am i possibly.. . Try testing anIndex against it. The number you are looking for isn't probably in your array NSNumber num NSNumber numberWithInteger 56 NSInteger anIndex myArray indexOfObject num if NSNotFound anIndex NSLog @ not found or log the content of the array to..