

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: numberwithdouble

UIImagePickerController and extracting EXIF data from existing photos


double val val fabs val NSMutableArray array NSMutableArray alloc init double deg int val array addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble deg val val deg val val 60 double minutes int val array addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble minutes val val minutes val.. array addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble deg val val deg val val 60 double minutes int val array addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble minutes val val minutes val val 60 double seconds val array addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble seconds return array void.. addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble minutes val val minutes val val 60 double seconds val array addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble seconds return array void populateGPS EXFGPSLoc gpsLoc NSArray locArray long numDenumArray 2 long arrPtr numDenumArray EXFUtils..

cocoa - I've discovered what I think is a bug with NSDecimalNumber


what I think is a bug when dealing with double numbers... double wtf 36.76662445068359375000 id xxx NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble wtf NSString myBug xxx stringValue NSLog @ .20f wtf NSLog @ @ myBug NSLog @ n the terminal will show two different numbers.. alloc init formatter setMaximumFractionDigits 10 NSString valueX formatter stringFromNumber NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble wtf formatter release NSLog @ @ valueX the answer now is 36.7666244507 now the value is a string with 10 decimal digits..... the range 127 128 so the value in wtf is also exactly representable as an NSDecimalNumber. Thus we may conclude that numberWithDouble is not delivering a correct conversion. Although I cannot find documentation that claims that this conversion routine is..

Why animating custom CALayer properties causes other properties to be nil during animation?


theAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ radius theAnimation.duration 2.0 theAnimation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 100.0 theAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 50.0 theAnimation.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName.. radius theAnimation.duration 2.0 theAnimation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 100.0 theAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 50.0 theAnimation.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut circleLayer.. circleLayer addAnimation theAnimation forKey @ animateRadius circleLayer.radius NSNumber numberWithDouble 50.0 drawInContext gets called as expected during the animation to redraw the circle however the tint is set to nil as soon..

Limit a double to two decimal places without trailing zeros


NSNumberFormatterPadAfterSuffix doubleValueWithMaxTwoDecimalPlaces setFormatWidth 2 NSNumber myValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.01234 NSNumber myValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.1 myLabel.text doubleValueWithMaxTwoDecimalPlaces stringFromNumber.. setFormatWidth 2 NSNumber myValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.01234 NSNumber myValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.1 myLabel.text doubleValueWithMaxTwoDecimalPlaces stringFromNumber myValue self.view addSubview myLabel myLabel release.. NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle doubleValueWithMaxTwoDecimalPlaces setMaximumFractionDigits 2 NSNumber myValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.01234 NSLog @ @ doubleValueWithMaxTwoDecimalPlaces stringFromNumber myValue doubleValueWithMaxTwoDecimalPlaces release..

This code to write video+audio through AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputs is not working. Why?


_videoWriter Add video input NSDictionary videoCompressionProps NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSNumber numberWithDouble 128.0 1024.0 AVVideoAverageBitRateKey nil NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys AVVideoCodecH264..

UIVIew Flip Vertical Animation


CABasicAnimation animation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.x animation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.0f M_PI animation.toValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 1.0f M_PI animation.duration duration animation.removedOnCompletion.. @ transform.rotation.x animation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 0.0f M_PI animation.toValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 1.0f M_PI animation.duration duration animation.removedOnCompletion NO animation.fillMode kCAFillModeBoth animation.repeatCount..

How to create custom easing function with Core Animation?


steps 1 for NSUInteger i 0 i steps i double value fromValue block time toValue fromValue values addObject NSNumber numberWithDouble value time timeStep we want linear animation between keyframes with equal time steps animation.calculationMode kCAAnimationLinear..

Proper way to instantiate an NSDecimalNumber from float or double


a double or short. There are the following NSNumber class and instance methods... NSNumber numberWithFloat NSNumber numberWithDouble NSNumber initWithFloat NSNumber initWithDouble but these appear to return NSNumber. On the other side NSDecimalNumber defines.. members inherited from NSNumber. I knocked up the test below double dbl 36.76662445068359375000 id xx1 NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble dbl Don't do this id xx2 NSDecimalNumber alloc initWithDouble dbl autorelease id xx3 NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString.. xx4 doubleValue 36.76662445068357953915 description 36.76662445068359375 So you can see that when using the numberWithDouble convenience method on NSNumber that you shouldn't really use due to it returning the wrong pointer type and even the initialiser..

NSNumberFormatter to format US Telephone Numbers


strDigits self stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex @ ^0 9 withString @ return formatter stringFromNumber NSNumber numberWithDouble strDigits doubleValue iphone objective c cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question I think your issue is that NSNumberFormatter..