

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: numval

How do you completely remove and release memory of an OpenAL sound file?


aFileName fileExt NSString aFileExt Check to make sure that a sound with the same key does not already exist NSNumber numVal soundLibrary objectForKey aSoundKey If the key is found log it and finish if numVal nil NSLog @ WARNING SoundManager Sound.. does not already exist NSNumber numVal soundLibrary objectForKey aSoundKey If the key is found log it and finish if numVal nil NSLog @ WARNING SoundManager Sound key ' @' already exists. aSoundKey return NSUInteger bufferID Generate a buffer within.. void removeSoundWithKey NSString aSoundKey Find the buffer which has been linked to the sound key provided NSNumber numVal soundLibrary objectForKey aSoundKey If the key is not found log it and finish if numVal nil NSLog @ WARNING SoundManager..