

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: numberofcomponentsinpickerview

Custom iOS UIDatepicker using UIAppearance


its contents' appearance similar as in UITableView. #pragma mark #pragma mark UIPicker Delegate DataSource NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 2 returns the # of rows in each component.. NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView..

UIPickerView that looks like UIDatePicker but with seconds


d minsArray count NSLog @ secsArray count d secsArray count Method to define how many columns dials to show NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 3 Method to define the numberOfRows in a component using the array. NSInteger pickerView..

How to use one UIPickerView for multiple textfields in one view?


pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component return currentArray count NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSString pickerView UIPickerView pickerView titleForRow NSInteger row forComponent NSInteger..

UIPickerView: last value followed by first value


self view addSubview picker super viewDidLoad #pragma mark #pragma mark UIPickerViewDataSource methods NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..

when picker view selected keyboard still visible


removeFromSuperview txtcity.text nil autocompleteTableView.hidden YES ViewForValuePicker removeFromSuperview NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 void pickerView UIPickerView pickerView didSelectRow NSInteger row inComponent NSInteger..

how to retrieve the urls using uipickerview


ios DOCUMENTATION NetworkingInternet Reference QLPreviewController_Class QLPreviewController_Class.pdf NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..

Top cell name changes when changing any cell name


be recreated. IBAction backToRoot id sender self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated YES NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..



imageNamed @ caterpillar.png couch UIImage imageNamed @ couch.png dennis UIImage imageNamed @ dennis.png NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView thePickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView thePickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..

Most effective way to populate a picker view with range of integers?


that will be the data source and delegate of the picker view #define PICKER_MIN 45 #define PICKER_MAX 550 NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..

How do I create and use a UIPickerView? [closed]


in your class eg mainview.m file you have to call the pickerView delegate methods for displaying data in it NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView thePickerView NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView thePickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component ..

Dependent UIPickerView


will be the keys and on selecting one you will be displaying the array in the other column component . NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView method should return 2. In NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent..

Multiple PickerViews in one View?


each method of both the datasource and the delegate protocols contain a UIPickerView parameter for instance NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView You need to use it to distinguish between your two instances as follows NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView.. UIPickerView pickerView You need to use it to distinguish between your two instances as follows NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView if pickerView isEqual pickerOne return the appropriate number of components for instance return..

how can I add 1-100 numbers to picker view programmatically?


iphone objective c xcode share improve this question I guess you have implemented the methods NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 3 and NSString pickerView UIPickerView pickerView titleForRow NSInteger row forComponent..

UITextView and UIPickerView with its own UIToolbar


void pickerView UIPickerView pickerView didSelectRow NSInteger row inComponent NSInteger component NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..

JSON array for picker view iPhone


dict objectForKey @ identity NSLog @ Vehicle Groups @ vehicleGroups Here is the picker code I am using NSInteger numberOfComponentsInPickerView UIPickerView pickerView return 1 NSInteger pickerView UIPickerView pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent NSInteger component..