

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: numberofpages

how to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl?


Then make sure that you have the contentsize of the scrollView set correctly. scrollView.contentSize CGSizeMake 320 numberOfPages scrollView.frame.size.height To this scrollview you then add the content to each section page1ViewController.view.frame..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


use CGRect f CGRectMake 0 0 320 20 PageControl pageControl PageControl alloc initWithFrame f autorelease pageControl.numberOfPages 10 pageControl.currentPage 5 pageControl.delegate self self addSubview pageControl Header file PageControl.h Replacement.. UIKit UIKit.h @protocol PageControlDelegate @interface PageControl UIView @private NSInteger _currentPage NSInteger _numberOfPages UIColor dotColorCurrentPage UIColor dotColorOtherPage NSObject PageControlDelegate delegate If ARC use __unsafe_unretained.. delegate Set these to control the PageControl. @property nonatomic NSInteger currentPage @property nonatomic NSInteger numberOfPages Customize these as well as the backgroundColor property. @property nonatomic retain UIColor dotColorCurrentPage @property..

How to reuse/recycle custom element like uitableviewcell does?


experience like in UITableView with all the reusing stuff. Here is a sample of code that I have written so far int numberOfPages 0 int pageWidth 100 int pageHeight 100 UIScrollView myScrollView allocate and initialize a scrollview set its size to 100.. in it. CGRect rect view.frame rect.size.height pageHeight rect.size.width pageWidth rect.origin CGPointMake pageHeight numberOfPages 0 view.frame rect myScrollView addSubview view numberOfPages scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake pageHeight numberOfPages.. pageWidth rect.origin CGPointMake pageHeight numberOfPages 0 view.frame rect myScrollView addSubview view numberOfPages scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake pageHeight numberOfPages pageWidth view release Edit Some insight into how tableview..