

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: nuts

viewDidLoad getting called twice on rootViewController at launch


at launch Anyone know why this root View Controller's viewDidLoad is being called twice at launch It's driving me nuts here's the stack trace from first time through viewDidLoad #0 0x0000276a in RootViewController viewDidLoad at RootViewController.m..

How can I have references between two classes in Objective-C?


and then class1.h I can't declare class1 variables in class2.h. Hope you got my idea because this is driving me nuts. Is it really impossible to accomplish this Thanks. objective c iphone oop reference share improve this question You..

iPhone 5 TabBar not functioning in proper position


vertical alignment to 450 the tab bar is higher up on the screen but the buttons do work. Any ideas it's driving me nuts It's the last thing I need to get working for me to launch my update. iphone apple ios6 iphone 5 share improve this question..

iOS: Multi-line UILabel in Auto Layout


exact scenario but with quite a few more views that needed to resize and move down as necessary. It was driving me nuts but I finally figured it out. Here's the key Interface Builder likes to throw in extra constraints as you add and move views..

always returns “en_US” not user's current language


iPhone app I need to make programmatic changes to certain views based on what the user's current locale is. I'm going nuts because no matter what the language preference on the iPhone simulator or actual hardware are locale always evaluates to..

get iphone ID in web app


sends the user to your preset URL. After many tries I believe that your receiving url MUST be a .php file. This sounds nuts but I'm serious. PHP was about the last language I wanted to work in so I chose to redirect to a page that could handle..

Developing iPhone app to Run on iPad - Auto Set 2x


not under your app's control and is pretty much a crutch for apps that weren't designed for the iPad. If you didn't go nuts with specific pixel measurements in the original code it shouldn't be difficult to move to the larger screen. share improve..

iphone/ipad orientation handling


I can just imagine so many issues with spaghetti code thousands of if checks all over the place that it would drive me nuts to make one small change to the UI arrangement. Does anyone have experience handling this issue What is a nice way to control..

Launching application in landscape orientation for IPad


How to sync CoreData and a REST web service asynchronously and the same time properly propagate any REST errors into the UI


The Core Resource and RestfulCoreData all assume you talk to Core Data in your code and they solve all the nuts and bolts in the background on the model layer. All looks okay so far and initially I though either Core Resource or RestfulCoreData..

Capturing UITextView data in an NSString


data in an NSString Hey all I am trying to accomplish something very simple yet getting an error and it's driving me nuts. here is what I am doing Function 1 id initWithText NSString text1 NSString text2 NSString text3 NSString text4 NSString..

App Crashing when using large images on iOS 4.0


1000 picture By the way the app was tested on iOS 4 and 3.1.2 Do you have any tips Because this problem is driving me nuts. Since now thanks a lot iphone image memory crash uiimage share improve this question I recently ran into the same..

Coredata - “NSObjectInaccessibleException - CoreData could not fulfill a fault”


CoreData could not fulfill a fault&rdquo I am new to Core data and still figuring out the nuts and bolts and this error has been bugging me for hours and I cant seem to find a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated...

UITextView hide keyboard in iphone


resignFirstResponder When I am pressing the button keyboard is disappearing in both textboxes. Its driving me nuts why textFieldShouldReturn is working for small textbox but NOT for large textbox. Please Help iphone objective c ios xcode..

How to properly export CALayer on top of AVMutableComposition with AVAssetExportSession


top left corner of the screen when I export the movie the 0 0 point is in the bottom left corner hence my animation go nuts. I read any possible article about this and I also downloaded AVVideoEdit sample from Apple but I just can't see what the..

Xcode 4.2 Warnings when dropping Nav Controller on Tab Bar in IB


functions as expected in fact the entire app runs perfectly. But these two warnings are driving me nuts Also the moment I delete the UINavigationController the warnings disappear. iphone xcode4 ios4 ios5 xcode4.2 share improve..

How to safely shut down a loading UIWebView in viewWillDisappear?


. At other times the same sequence of pushes and pops on the same views works fine. This particular one is driving me nuts. I think it may be related to the view disappearing before the web view is loaded i.e. in this case I suspect it may scribble..

Filling a portion of an image with color


please iphone ios share improve this question First turning a bitmap image into an NSArray of UIColor objects is nuts. Way way too much overhead. Work with a pixelbuffer instead. Learn how to use pointers. http en.wikipedia.org wiki Flood_fill#The_algorithm..

iPhone 4 is there an absolutely certain way to have a long term NSTimer fire


to have a long term NSTimer fire I keep having troubles with my NSTimers and background selectors. It is driving me nuts and takes a very long time to try out each tweak. To preserve my sanity and the sanity of future generations of cocoa programmers..

IPhone vs Android [closed]


the first time displaying 'hello Android' in a window without me having bothered to learn anything about the actual nuts and bolts of actually writing the code. This is encouraging. I was also able to drag buttons etc. to the layout and then..