

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:14

iphone Programming Glossary: numtablerecords

Populate the table view sections with rows of table in sqlite database in an order


based on number of saved reminders this is the code NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView view NSInteger numTableRecords 1 sqlite3_stmt statement if sqlite3_open self.databasePath UTF8String remindersDB SQLITE_OK NSString sqlStatement NSString.. if sqlite3_prepare_v2 remindersDB sql 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK while sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW numTableRecords sqlite3_column_int statement 0 else printf could not prepare statement s n sqlite3_errmsg remindersDB else NSLog @.. s n sqlite3_errmsg remindersDB else NSLog @ Error in Opening Database File sqlite3_close remindersDB return numTableRecords Now my problem here is I am able to retrieve the data but not in a proper way.I mean this is the code I used to retrieve..

Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections


reminders is equal to number of sections in view reminder table NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView view numTableRecords 1 sqlite3_stmt statement if sqlite3_open self.databasePath UTF8String remindersDB SQLITE_OK NSString sqlStatement NSString.. if sqlite3_prepare_v2 remindersDB sql 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK while sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW numTableRecords sqlite3_column_int statement 0 else printf could not prepare statement s n sqlite3_errmsg remindersDB else NSLog @.. remindersDB else NSLog @ Error in Opening Database File sqlite3_close remindersDB NSLog @ Number of records d numTableRecords return numTableRecords Based on suggestion given in the following link pretty much similar to my requirement Populate the..