

java Programming Glossary: set.iterator

Remove Elements from a HashSet while Iterating


over the elements of the set Iterator Integer iterator set.iterator while iterator.hasNext Integer element iterator.next if element.. a for loop rather than a while loop for Iterator Integer i set.iterator i.hasNext Integer element i.next if element 2 0 i.remove As..

How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image?


map Set set map.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator o set.iterator Display elements while o.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry o.next..

Removing items from a collection in java while iterating over it


new HashSet SomeClass fillSet set Iterator SomeClass it set.iterator while it.hasNext set.removeAll setOfElementsToRemove it.next.. fillSet set while set.isEmpty Iterator SomeClass it set.iterator SomeClass instance it.next outputSet.add instance set.removeAll.. SomeClass fillSet set Iterator SomeClass setIterator set.iterator while setIterator.hasNext SomeClass currentElement setIterator.next..

Choosing random numbers efficiently


5 set.add rand.nextInt deck.length Iterator Integer i set.iterator int n 0 while i.hasNext numbers n i.next n After some testing..

Why doesn't java.util.Set have get(int index)?


item from it. If I know I want the first item I can use set.iterator .next but otherwise it seems I have to cast to an Array to retrieve..

how to get Hash table Arraylist to other intent?


entries Set set hm.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator it set.iterator Display elements while it.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry it.next..