

java Programming Glossary: setid

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


Date getCreationDate return theCreationDate public void setId Long anId theId anId public void setExpirationDate Date anExpirationDate.. rowIndex switch columnIndex case 0 try entry.setId new Long Long.parseLong aValue.toString catch NumberFormatException..

Converting JSON to Java


void setTitle String title this.title title public void setId Long id this.id id public void setChildren Boolean children..

Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all?


email public int getId return externalId public void setId final int id this.id id public String getName return name public..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


Date getBirthdate return birthdate Setters. public void setId Long id this.id id public void setName String name this.name.. User while resultSet.next User user new User user.setId resultSet.getLong id user.setName resultSet.getString name user.setBirthdate..

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


Date created public Integer getId return id public void setId Integer i id i protected void setPatient Patient patient this.patient..

hibernate composite key


class EmployeeAssignment EmployeeAssignmentId getId void setId EmployeeAssignmentId value class EmployeeAssignmentId implements..

JSON Array iteration in Android/Java


dateString else if names.getString i .equals id setId values.getLong i else if names.getString i .equals offerCode..

Primitive or wrapper for hibernate primary keys


public Long getId return id public void setId Long id this.id id @Transient public boolean isNew return this.id..

Mapping same class relation - continuation


public Long getId return id.longValue public void setId Long id this.id.setValue id public MutableLong getIdAsMutableLong..

How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations


Integer active public Long getId return id public void setId Long id this.id id public String getUsername return username..

Generic JSF entity converter


a PersistentEntity interface which has a getId and setId methods and I keep them with simple primary keys. That's it...

Mapping ManyToMany with composite Primary key and Annotation:


nullable false public String getId return id public void setId String id this.id id all other setters and getters and isequal.. nullable false public String getId return id public void setId String id this.id id Collection Objects @Entity @Table name..

Serialize a JAXB object via its ID?


Long id throws Exception Target target new Target target.setId id return target The XmlAdapter is registered on the Dependency.. Target target public Long getId return id public void setId Long id this.id id public Target getTarget return target public.. Target.class id if null target target new Target target.setId id return target Now to set the instance of EntityManager..

Hibernate: “Field 'id' doesn't have a default value”


public Long getId return id public Mensagem setId Long id this.id id return this And the actual running code..

When does the JPA set a @GeneratedValue @Id


@Id public long getId return id protected void setId final long id this.id id Other code At some point in the life.. the life cycle of an object of this type the JPA must call setId to record the generated ID value. My question is when does this..

Hibernate/JPA - annotating bean methods vs fields


private int id public int getId return this.id public void setId int id this.id id OR @Entity public class User private int.. int id @ID public int getId return this.id public void setId int id this.id id java hibernate orm jpa share improve this..

Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC


Date getCreateDate return this.createDate public void setId Long id this.id id public void setSymbol String symbol this.symbol.. handleError error public void onSuccess Long id stock.setId id displayStock stock.getSymbol Modify the StockServiceImpl..