

java Programming Glossary: setname

Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener


CustomTreeNode node What do I put here node.getResource .setName String node.getUserObject For debugging System.out.println node.getResource.. CustomTreeNode path.getLastPathComponent node.getResource .setName String node.getUserObject For debugging System.out.println node.getResource.. name public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name @Override public String toString..

How to make line animation smoother?


canvas AnimationModel model setDaemon true setName AnimationThread this.model model this.canvas canvas public..

How can I set the priority mouse listener


or JWindow and register the draggable components and call setName Droppable on your JPanel to allow dragging and dropping to take.. new ComponentDrag frame cd.registerComponent button panel1.setName Droppable needed for the dragging and dropping to work correctly.. new Dimension 300 300 panel1.add labelPanel1 panel1.setName Droppable JLabel labelPanel2 new JLabel Drag 'em here JPanel..

How to use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); where i have to use these line for my error


public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name public String getItemDescription.. Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Recipes made by raw.. item_details item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Non Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Flesh of sweet..

Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all?


this.id id public String getName return name public void setName final String name this.name name public String getEmail return..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


Setters. public void setId Long id this.id id public void setName String name this.name name public void setBirthdate Date birthdate.. User user new User user.setId resultSet.getLong id user.setName resultSet.getString name user.setBirthdate resultSet.getDate..

Named Parameter idiom in Java


Color color this.color color return this public Builder setName String name this.name name return this you can set defaults.. write something like Foo foo Foo.builder .setColor red .setName Fred .setSize 42 .build The main caveats are Setting up the..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


String id public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name public String getID return id public..

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


this.type public String getName return name public void setName String nm name nm public String getDescription return description..

When should I use “this” in a class?


. public class Foo private String name ... public void setName String name This makes it clear that you are assigning the value..

Java/JAXB: Unmarshall XML attributes to specific Java object attributes


public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name Then on your class with the list.. v.name DefaultOptions options new DefaultOptions options.setName v.getName options.setDefaultPort Integer.valueOf v.map.get.. else CustomOptions options new CustomOptions options.setName v.getName options.setCompatibility v.map.get compatibility..

Why shouldn't I use immutable POJOs instead of JavaBeans?


String name private Place birthPlace public Person public setName String name this.name name public setBirthPlace Place birthPlace..

Service layer and controller: who takes care of what?


as you suggest certainly you would not want every call to setName or setGender to automatically result in a database update. Instead..

Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives


members public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name @ValidCollection elementType Employee.class..

Using comparator to make custom sort


color public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name public String getColor return color..

What is the difference between Class.this and this in Java


class. For example class Person String name public void setName String name this.name name public void setName2 String name.. public void setName String name this.name name public void setName2 String name Person.this.name name One uses this.name to reference.. class's instance. class Person String name public void setName String name this.name name class Displayer String getPersonName..

Giving JMenuItem's name to it's ActionListener


forThisItem JMenuItem item new JMenuItem label item.setName parentMenu.getName _ label item.addActionListener actionListener.. calling setActionCommand on the menuitem. Instead of using setName if you call setActionCommand you should get what you expect..

Can someone please explain mappedBy in hibernate?


String code String aliasName Set AirlineFlight flights setName name setCode code setAliasName aliasName setAirlineFlights flights.. false public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name DAOUtil.convertToDBString name @Column..