

java Programming Glossary: setfocusable

How to make two JPanels listen to the same event?


setVisible true setLocationRelativeTo null setTitle Test setFocusable false private class PanelTest extends JPanel private String.. inputmap private ActionMap actionmap public PanelTest setFocusable false setDoubleBuffered true this.setBackground Color.WHITE.. string JLabel.CENTER this.setLayout new GridLayout this.setFocusable true this.add label public Action getAction return action..

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


button.setBorderPainted false button.setBorder null button.setFocusable false button.setMargin new Insets 0 0 0 0 button.setContentAreaFilled.. 11 11 11 11 setOpaque true setBorder border setFocusable true setSize getPreferredSize revalidate repaint setVisible..

How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection?


when it is not enabled. public void setEnabled boolean b setFocusable b other.setEnabled b All these methods simply delegate to the..

Create a autocompleting textbox in Java with a dropdown list


initComponent private void initComponent setFocusable true setForeground suggestionsTextColor addMouseListener new..

how would be implements autosugesion in JTextArea swing


initComponent private void initComponent setFocusable true setForeground suggestionsTextColor addMouseListener new..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


this addMouseMotionListener this addKeyListener this setFocusable true requestFocusInWindow a lot of code more and more and more..

Rotate a Java Graphics2D Rectangle?


ActionListener Timer time public Space setVisible true setFocusable true addMouseMotionListener new ML addMouseListener new ML addKeyListener.. ActionListener Timer time public Space setVisible true setFocusable true setSize 640 480 setBackground Color.BLACK time new Timer..

Drawing a rectangle over an existing Graphics page


Color.black setPreferredSize new Dimension 200 200 setFocusable true public void paintComponent Graphics page super.paintComponent..

Java KeyListener Not Registering Arrow Keys


private static final int PREF_H PREF_W public ArrowTest setFocusable true requestFocusInWindow addKeyListener new KeyAdapter @Override..