

java Programming Glossary: setfont

JTable Nimbus Look and Feel - how to make it clear which cell has focus


setForeground Color.red setBackground Color.cyan setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 12 setHorizontalAlignment CENTER.. table.getBackground setForeground table.getForeground setFont new Font Serif Font.PLAIN 8 setHorizontalAlignment CENTER.. 8 setHorizontalAlignment CENTER else if hasFocus setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 12 setForeground Color.magenta setBackground..

Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel


.toString table.setRowHeight fontSize table.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD fontSize Rectangle rect table.getCellRect.. fontSize setBorder new Font Serif Font.BOLD fontSize table.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD fontSize panel.setFont new Font Serif.. table.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD fontSize panel.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD fontSize Rectangle rect table.getCellRect..

JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously


setBackground row 2 0 evenColor getBackground setFont table.getFont setText value null value.toString return this..

How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection?


else setIcon idata.getIcon else setIcon null setFont tree.getFont setForeground sel m_textSelectionColor m_textNonSelectionColor..

How to make a screen like this on Blackberry


is which row button.setCookie new Integer index button.setFont textFont add button text new TextField TextField.NON_FOCUSABLE.. Color.DARKRED super.paint g g.setColor c text.setFont textFont StringBuffer textContent new StringBuffer for int.. String text Font f int color long style super text style setFont f fontColor color public void paint Graphics g int oldColor..

JTable center alignment not working


Boolean.class default return Boolean.class table.setFont new Font Microsoft JhengHei Font.BOLD 13 a custom renderer which.. table value isSelected hasFocus row column setFont font setForeground Color.blue return this table.getColumnModel.. JLabel.CENTER defaultRenderer.setFont new Font Microsoft JhengHei Font.BOLD 50 tcr.setFont new Font..

Java/Swing: low-profile button height?


JButton button 1 Smaller font jf.add new JButton button 2 setFont getFont .deriveFont 7f Similar to your suggestion jf.add new..

How to prevent JComboBox from becoming unresponsive when using a custom ListCellRenderer


boolean cellHasFocus Font tempFont label.getFont setFont new Font String value tempFont.getStyle tempFont.getSize setText.. the list is instantly displayed. If one comments the line setFont new Font String value tempFont.getStyle tempFont.getSize the.. if value instanceof Font Font font Font value setFont new Font font.getName baseFont.getStyle baseFont.getSize setText..

Passing current Date


Color 250 250 150 setForeground new Color 250 250 150 setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 9 else if Pattern.compile 1 .matcher.. tbl.getBackground setForeground Color.orange setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 8 else setBackground tbl.getBackground.. tbl.getBackground setForeground Color.gray setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 9 else setBackground tbl.getBackground..

Change Font at runtime


fontName fontsBox.getSelectedItem .toString fontsBox.setFont new Font fontName Font.PLAIN 16 start fontsBox.setSelectedItem.. fntObj value final String fontFamilyName String fntObj setFont new Font fontFamilyName Font.PLAIN 16 return this . EDIT I.. fontName fontsBox.getSelectedItem .toString fontsBox.setFont new Font fontName Font.PLAIN 16 start fontsBox.setSelectedItem..