

java Programming Glossary: setopaque

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


Border border BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 11 11 11 11 setOpaque true setBorder border setFocusable true setSize getPreferredSize.. int step w 3 JPanel p new JPanel new GridLayout 3 3 p.setOpaque false int count 0 for int ii 0 ii w ii step for int jj 0 jj..

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


new ButtonGroup StatusPanel super new GridLayout 0 1 setOpaque true theSingleOption createRadio Status.Single theMarriedOption.. JRadioButton jrb new JRadioButton status.toString jrb.setOpaque false add jrb buttonGroup.add jrb return jrb public Status.. theSpinner new JSpinner new SpinnerDateModel theSpinner.setOpaque true theSpinner.setEditor new JSpinner.DateEditor theSpinner..

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


JPanel private BufferedImage image public CustomPanel setOpaque true setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5.. JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setOpaque true contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK..

Adding image to Jbutton with foreground label


new JLabel imageForLabel JPanel basePanel new JPanel setOpaque false is used to make the JPanel translucent transparent. basePanel.setOpaque.. used to make the JPanel translucent transparent. basePanel.setOpaque false basePanel.setLayout new BorderLayout 5 5 JPanel topPanel.. new BorderLayout 5 5 JPanel topPanel new JPanel topPanel.setOpaque false topPanel.setLayout new GridLayout 2 2 5 5 JLabel userLabel..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


ball.png catch IOException ex ex.printStackTrace setOpaque false @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize Dimension..

setOpaque(true/false); Java


true false Java In Java2D when you use setOpaque I am a little.. true false Java In Java2D when you use setOpaque I am a little confused on what the true and false does. For.. Because of contractual implication of isOpaque the API setOpaque should not exist since it is actually incorrect for anything..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


Dimension 400 400 setPreferredSize new Dimension 400 400 setOpaque true private void setColorAt int x int y Color pixelColor model..

Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable


b new JProgressBar 0 100 public ProgressRenderer super setOpaque true b.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 1 1 1 1 @Override..

Internal padding for JTextArea with background Image


image imageIcon.getImage public void paint Graphics g setOpaque false g.drawImage image 0 0 this super.paint g JFrame frame.. new TextBubbleBorder Color.MAGENTA.darker 2 4 0 l.setOpaque true l.setBackground Color.BLACK JOptionPane.showMessageDialog..

Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container


final long serialVersionUID 1L public DisabledGlassPane1 setOpaque false Color base UIManager.getColor inactiveCaptionBorder Color.. GridBagLayout add message new GridBagConstraints message.setOpaque true message.setBorder MESSAGE_BORDER addMouseListener new MouseAdapter..

How to change background color of JTabbedPane?


extends JPanel private TabContent int i Color color setOpaque true setBackground color add new JLabel Tab content String.valueOf..

rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java


maxPlot DataPanel ArrayList Double Diffs int h int w setOpaque true Ensure that panel is opaque. setPreferredSize new Dimension..