

java Programming Glossary: setminimumsize

Last row always removed from DefaultTableModel, regardless of index


extends JFrame public MainJF this.add createTagsTable setMinimumSize new java.awt.Dimension 200 400 private JTable createTagsTable..

Drawing a graphical histogram


width 128 Dimension prefSize new Dimension width 256 setMinimumSize minSize setPreferredSize prefSize @Override protected void..

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components


has no layout manager and setPreferredSize and its related setMinimumSize and setMaximumSize if it does. setSize probably won't do anything..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


Color 8 8 public ZoomPanel setSize new Dimension 400 400 setMinimumSize new Dimension 400 400 setPreferredSize new Dimension 400 400..

Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing?


the use of the following methods setPreferredSize setMinimumSize setMaximumSize on Swing components. I don't see any alternative..

Java window contents resize, but not beyond a minimum size


pack enforces the minimum size of both frame and component setMinimumSize getMinimumSize setPreferredSize getPreferredSize setVisible..

Drawing rectangles on a JPanel


enforces the minimum size of both frame and component setMinimumSize getSize setVisible true public static void main String args..

Update JPanel and attributes in a gui, with a user-specified timer?


gbc_panel setPreferredSize new Dimension 110 110 setMinimumSize new Dimension 110 110 setAlignmentX Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT..

rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java


that panel is opaque. setPreferredSize new Dimension w h setMinimumSize new Dimension w h setMaximumSize new Dimension w h myDiffs Diffs..

Java JPanel inside JScrollPane?


new JScrollPane set size of 'canvas' _ImageCanvas.setMinimumSize new Dimension 100 100 Scroll pane smaller then the size of the.. the canvas so we should get scroll bars right _ScrollPane.setMinimumSize new Dimension 50 50 Add a border to 'canvas' _ImageCanvas.setBorder.. improve this question setPreferredSize is the trick setMinimumSize and even setSize on the component will be ignored by JScrollPane...