

java Programming Glossary: setproperty

Running ANT Programmatically Through Java


helper.parse metricsProject buildFile metricsProject.setProperty ant.file buildFile.getAbsolutePath metricsProject.init metricsProject.setBaseDir..

KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays


arg2.name Name break default break @Override public void setProperty int arg0 Object arg1 switch arg0 case 0 CategoryId Integer.parseInt..

Java : File.exists() inconsistencies when setting “user.dir”


TestFileExists public static void main String args System.setProperty user.dir C toto File root new File tmp File sub_a new File root.. is about setting it on the command line setting it via setProperty is most likely equally undefined. When you can reproduce the..

Why can't System.setProperty() change the classpath at runtime?


can't System.setProperty change the classpath at runtime I am refering to the question.. i am taking the call. Just to clarify then why these setProperty and getProperty methods are there if they cannot alter it at..

Setting JVM/JRE to use Windows Proxy Automatically


system proxy by assigning environment variables with the setProperty method of the System class System.setProperty java.net.useSystemProxies.. with the setProperty method of the System class System.setProperty java.net.useSystemProxies true System.out.println detecting.. System.out.println proxy hostname addr.getHostName System.setProperty http.proxyHost addr.getHostName System.out.println proxy port..

jsp useBean is NULL by getAttribute by servlet


id user class com.hermes.data.RateCode_ scope request jsp setProperty name user property jsp useBean form id f_rateCode action ratePromoCodes.. id user class com.hermes.data.RateCode_ scope session jsp setProperty name user property jsp useBean This bean is thus stored as session.. The getCode and getDescription will return null . The jsp setProperty has namely not filled it with all request parameters yet at..

The value for the useBean class attribute … is invalid


jsp useBean id user class user.SaveProp scope session jsp setProperty name user property It throws The value for the useBean class..

SAX parser: Ignoring special characters


SAXNotSupportedException super reader setProperty http xml.org sax properties lexical handler this @Override public..

Java system properties and environment variables


Why does java.util.Properties implement Map<Object,Object> and not Map<String,String>


insert entries whose keys or values are not Strings. The setProperty method should be used instead. If the store or save method is..