

java Programming Glossary: setimage

How to upload and store an image with google app engine (java)


... public Blob getImage return image public void setImage Blob image this.image image Then when you start accepting images..

how to handle bad file selection for image display in swing


public void displayImage String imagefilename canvas.setImage imagefilename public String getSelectedFile java.io.File selectedFile.. bi public MyImagePanel super bi null public void setImage String imagefilename try bi ImageIO.read new File imagefilename.. layout and added the image to a JScrollPane . I also had setImage return a result to let the Display know what happened. Addendum..

Android: Saving Picture to a File and Retrieving it


following relevant code I load my picture OnCreate using setImage private void setImage if loadPicture hello bitmap null Toast.makeText.. I load my picture OnCreate using setImage private void setImage if loadPicture hello bitmap null Toast.makeText this not null.. this not null Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show imageView.setImageBitmap loadPicture hello bitmap private void takePicture Intent..

How to rotate JXImagePanel?


100 150 Image.SCALE_FAST this.deskJXImagePanel.setImage tempImage Now I would like to rotate it in 0 360 degrees. How.. image public Image getImage return image public void setImage Image image this.image image public double getAngle return angle..

Program freezes during Thread.sleep() and with Timer


sets modified image as original for further manipulation setImage image2 UPDATED CODE Using a Timer also causes the program to.. sets modified image as original for further manipulation setImage image2 java try catch sleep freeze bufferedimage share improve..