

python Programming Glossary: e.args

Is there a cross-platform way of getting information from Python's OSError


try ... os.mkdir 'foo' ... except OSError e ... print e.args ... 17 'File exists' Is there a cross platform way that I can..

is there a pythonic way to try something up to a maximum number of times?


with the data except MySQLdb.Error e print MySQL Error d s e.args 0 e.args 1 Clearly I could do it by having another attempt in.. data except MySQLdb.Error e print MySQL Error d s e.args 0 e.args 1 Clearly I could do it by having another attempt in the except..

cx_Oracle and Exception Handling - Good practices?


db.version except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e error e.args if error.code 1017 print 'Please check your credentials.' #.. ddl_statements except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e error e.args if error.code 955 print 'Table already exists' if error.code.. ' ' servicename except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e error e.args if error.code 1017 print 'Please check your credentials.' else..

Dynamic Loading of Python Modules


not load struct neoform.structure. name n n Error str e.args python dynamic module loading share improve this question..

Hang in Python script using SQLAlchemy and multiprocessing


e sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError None type e e.args which gives Traceback most recent call last File stdin line..