

python Programming Glossary: edgecolor

custom matplotlib plot : chess board like table with colored cells


tb.add_cell i 1 width height text label loc 'right' edgecolor 'none' facecolor 'none' # Column Labels... for j label in enumerate.. tb.add_cell 1 j width height 2 text label loc 'center' edgecolor 'none' facecolor 'none' ax.add_table tb return fig if __name__..

Python: Calculate Voronoi Tesselation from Scipy's Delaunay Triangulation in 3D


import LineCollection lines LineCollection lines edgecolor 'k' plt.hold 1 plt.plot points 0 points 1 '.' plt.plot cc 0..

Matplotlib basemap: Popup box


arc3 rad 0.2 bbox dict boxstyle round facecolor w edgecolor 0.5 alpha 0.9 # by default disable the annotation visibility..

Plot image color histogram using matplotlib


c in enumerate colors plt.bar idx c 0 color hexencode c 1 edgecolor hexencode c 1 It works Image to be processed Result Profiling..

Why is matplotlib.PatchCollection messing with color of the patches?


node.posX node.posY 6 radius node.radius edgecolor 'none' facecolor node.fillColor zorder node.zorder node.brushShape.. node.posX node.posY 6 node.radius 0.8 linewidth 3 edgecolor 1 1 1 facecolor 'none' zorder node.zorder And originally.. RegularPolygon node.posX node.posY 6 radius node.radius edgecolor 'none' facecolor node.fillColor zorder node.zorder node.brushShape..

How do you change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib?


signature figure num None figsize 8 6 dpi 80 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'k' So figure figsize 1 1 creates an inch by inch image which..

How to set opacity of background colour of graph wit Matplotlib


'red' ax.patch.set_alpha 0.5 # If we don't specify the edgecolor and facecolor for the figure when # saving with savefig it will..

Matplotlib figure facecolor (background color)


do fig.savefig 'whatever.png' facecolor fig.get_facecolor edgecolor 'none' I'm specifying the edgecolor here because the default.. fig.get_facecolor edgecolor 'none' I'm specifying the edgecolor here because the default edgecolor for the actual figure is.. I'm specifying the edgecolor here because the default edgecolor for the actual figure is white which will give you a white border..

Matplotlib - label each bin


counts bins patches ax.hist data facecolor 'yellow' edgecolor 'gray' # Set the ticks to be at the edges of the bins. ax.set_xticks..

Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?


111 ax.barh range X.shape 0 s order height 1.0 edgecolor 'none' color clr ax.set_ylim ax.get_ylim 1 plt.yticks ytick..

How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures


1000000 fig plt.figure num 1 dpi 100 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot..

Matplotlib errors result in a memory leak. How can I free up that memory?


1000000 fig plt.figure num 1 dpi 100 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot.. N fig plt.figure num 1 dpi 100 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot..

matplotlib savefig() plots different from show()


white # figure facecolor when saving savefig.edgecolor white # figure edgecolor when saving savefig.extension auto.. facecolor when saving savefig.edgecolor white # figure edgecolor when saving savefig.extension auto # what extension to use for.. 8 6 figure.dpi 80 figure.facecolor 0.75 figure.edgecolor white As you can see by comparing the values of these two blocks..