

python Programming Glossary: e.g

What is a metaclass in Python?


attributes to it you can pass it as a function parameter e.g. print ObjectCreator # you can print a class because it's an.. be empty dictionary containing attributes names and values e.g. class MyShinyClass object ... pass can be created manually..

Calling C/C++ from python?


foo.o And finally you have to write your python wrapper e.g. in fooWrapper.py from ctypes import cdll lib cdll.LoadLibrary..

if x or y or z == blah


or z would evaluate to the first argument that is 'truthy' e.g. not False numeric 0 or empty see boolean expressions for details..

In Python, how do I determine if an object is iterable?


for __iter__ works on sequence types but it would fail on e.g. strings. I would like to know the right answer too until then..

How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks in Python?


anyone had a good solution to this for lists of any length e.g. using generators. This should work l range 1 1000 print chunks..

What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?


of simply doing a manual conversion for small code bases e.g. up to about 100K SLOC in our experience the economics simply..

How do I check if a string is a number in Python?


of results A number if the number is valid A status code e.g. via errno or exception to show that no valid number could be..

What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do?


let's assume that it's executing as the main function e.g. you said something like python threading_example.py on the..

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?


at commenter's request When a long running Python script e.g web application is started from within the ssh session and backgounded..

Python string formatting: % vs. .format


some debug info s some_info will first evaluate to e.g. some debug info roflcopters are active then that string will..

Django - Set Up A Scheduled Job?


is to do this 1 Create a custom management command e.g. python manage.py my_cool_command 2 Use cron on Linux or at..

Python __init__ and self what do they do?


to the __init__ method. Any additional parameters e.g. A 24 'Hello' will also get passed as arguments in this case..

What's the difference between list and tuples in Python?


of page and line number to reference locations in a book e.g. my_location 42 11 # page number line number You can then use.. tuple . There are some interesting articles on this issue e.g. Python Tuples are Not Just Constant Lists or Understanding..

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries in Python?


like aggregations and looking at subsets of the dictionary e.g. if I just want to go state by state . Basically sometimes I..

How to do relative imports in Python?


the module's name does not contain any package information e.g. it is set to '__main__' then relative imports are resolved..

Exif manipulation library for python [closed]


manipulation library for python. I prefer flexibility e.g. ability to retrieve providers' proprietary tags than processing..

Adding a Method to an Existing Object


that it is possible to add a method to an existing object e.g. not in the class definition in python I think this is called..

Trying to send email (Gmail as mail provider) using Python


message body by a blank line and use CRLF as EOL markers. E.g. msg r n .join From user_me@gmail.com To user_you@gmail.com..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


8 _single_leading_underscore weak internal use indicator. E.g. from M import does not import objects whose name starts with..

Key-ordered dict in python


just keep a list of all keys on the side of a dict. E.g. class Crazy object def __init__ self self.d self.L self.sorted..

“Large data” work flows using pandas


or just columns What will typical operations look like. E.g. do a query on columns to select a bunch of rows and specific.. they allow you to sub select rows based on the column. E.g. something like store.select group where 'field_1000 foo' 'field_1001..

Format floats with standard json module


a design defect in the standard library json package . E.g. this code import json from json import encoder encoder.FLOAT_REPR..

Python - Using the Multiply Operator to Create Copies of Objects in Lists


should I just stick with a list comprehension or something E.g. for x in range 0 3 Any version of Python is fine. python list..

Python regex matching Unicode properties


Unicode properties such as the category in a regex. E.g. in Perl you can use p Ll to match an arbitrary lower case letter..

What exactly do “u” and “r”string flags in Python, and what are raw string litterals?


might be expressed in is a completely orthogonal issue. E.g. consider Python 2.6 sys.getsizeof 'ciao' 28 sys.getsizeof u'ciao'..

__getattr__ on a module


the class if you insist but that's generally less useful . E.g. # module foo.py import sys class Foo def funct1 self args code..

What are good uses for Python3's “Function Annotations”


you call them that you should read their documentation E.g. imagine you have a method that must not be invoked with a negative..

Short rot13 function


''.join rot_char c for c in s Can anyone make it better E.g supporting uppercase characters. This is less a question rather..

How can I “watch” a file for modification / change?


improve this question As noted you can use pyinotify E.g. import webbrowser import pyinotify class ModHandler pyinotify.ProcessEvent..

python: urllib2 how to send cookie with urlopen request


open url and to send specific cookie text to the server. E.g. I want to open site Solve chess problems with a specific cookie..

View onto a numpy array?


this question Sure just index it as you normally would. E.g. y x k This will return a view into the original array. No data.. in memory Use etc to avoid making a copy of the array. E.g. x 10 will modify the array in place while x x 10 will make..

Execute code when Django starts ONCE only?


but the Hello message is output to the terminal twice . E.g. from django.core.exceptions import MiddlewareNotUsed from django.conf..

How do I copy a file to a remote server in python using scp or ssh?


What does the Python Ellipsis object do?


useful to be able to slice in multiple dimensions as well. E.g. given a 4x4 array the top left area would be defined by the..

spawning process from python


Spawn a completely detached subprocess i.e. a daemon . E.g. for mark spawnDaemon .. bin producenotify.py producenotify.py..

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


flexibility. Instead use duck typing by checking behavior. E.G you expect a string in a function then use str to convert any..

What is an ORM and where can I learn more about it?


use SQL anymore but directly an object of your language. E.G. a completely imaginary case with a pseudo language You have..

How to print date in a regular format in Python?


must print the date objects not their container the list . E.G you want to print all the date in a list for date in mylist.. pattern explaining how you want to format your date. E.G print today.strftime 'We are the d b Y' 'We are the 22 Nov 2008'..

Python join, why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?


lists but the result and the joiner are always strings. E.G import urllib2 print ' n############ n'.join urllib2.urlopen..

What are the operator methods for boolean 'and', 'or' in Python? [closed]


behavior of and or or because they can short circuit. E.G if variable or long_fonction_to_execute # do stuff If variable.. processing. But it means you cannot make it a function E.G if bor variable long_fonction_to_execute # do stuff In that..

Java raw audio output


It is pretty simple to generate a sound in memory. E.G. The important part of generating the tone and storing it in..