

python Programming Glossary: e.reason

web2py url validator


print 'We failed to reach a server.' print 'Reason ' e.reason elif hasattr e 'code' print 'The server couldn 't fulfill the..

Returning result of an external script to VBA


print 'Error Failed to reach a server.' print 'Reason ' e.reason elif hasattr e 'code' # HTTP error case # HTTP error code see..

HTTPS connection Python


hasattr e 'reason' # URLError print can't connect reason e.reason else raise I have got an error Traceback most recent call last.. GET response c.getresponse print response.status response.reason data response.read print data # # 200 OK # DOCTYPE html ......

Handling urllib2's timeout? - Python


1 except urllib2.URLError e # For Python 2.6 if isinstance e.reason socket.timeout raise MyException There was an error r e else..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


The error object has the following 'reason' attribute e.reason sys.exit else if cj is None log.debug 'We don 't have a cookie..

How do I download a zip file in python using urllib2?


HTTP Error e.code url except URLError e print URL Error e.reason url # Set the range var_range range 150 153 # Iterate over image.. HTTP Error e.code url except URLError e print URL Error e.reason url def main # Iterate over image ranges for index in range..

What errors/exceptions do I need to handle with urllib2.Request / urlopen?


urllib2.URLError e checksLogger.error 'URLError ' str e.reason except httplib.HTTPException e checksLogger.error 'HTTPException'.. urllib2.URLError e checksLogger.error 'URLError ' str e.reason except httplib.HTTPException e checksLogger.error 'HTTPException'..