

python Programming Glossary: e.errno

Check if a file is not open( not used by other process) in Python


# try to remove it directly except OSError as e if e.errno errno.ENOENT # file doesn't exist break This code can work but..

Can I run a Python script as a service?


0 except OSError e sys.stderr.write 'fork #1 failed d s n' e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 os.setsid os.chdir our_home_dir os.umask.. 0 except OSError e sys.stderr.write 'fork #2 failed d s n' e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 si open ' dev null' 'r' so open out_log..

How to handle a broken pipe (SIGPIPE) in python?


except socket.error e # A socket error except IOError e if e.errno errno.EPIPE # EPIPE error else # Other error share improve..

Is there a cross-platform way of getting information from Python's OSError


import os errno try os.mkdir 'test' except OSError e if e.errno errno.EEXIST # Do something You can also perform the reverse..

Run a program from python, and have it continue to run after the script is killed


except OSError e print sys.stderr fork #1 failed d s e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 os.setsid # do second fork try pid os.fork.. 0 except OSError e print sys.stderr fork #2 failed d s e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 # do stuff func # all done os._exit os.EX_OK..

How can I print and display subprocess stdout and stderr output without distortion?


def read_async fd try return fd.read except IOError e if e.errno errno.EAGAIN raise e else return '' process subprocess.Popen..

spawning process from python


e raise RuntimeError 1st fork failed s d e.strerror e.errno if pid 0 # parent calling process is all done return # detach.. e raise RuntimeError 2nd fork failed s d e.strerror e.errno raise Exception s d e.strerror e.errno if pid 0 # child process.. s d e.strerror e.errno raise Exception s d e.strerror e.errno if pid 0 # child process is all done os._exit 0 # grandchild..