

python Programming Glossary: e.strerror

Can I run a Python script as a service?


OSError e sys.stderr.write 'fork #1 failed d s n' e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 os.setsid os.chdir our_home_dir os.umask 0 # Second.. OSError e sys.stderr.write 'fork #2 failed d s n' e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 si open ' dev null' 'r' so open out_log 'a ' 0 se..

Python: open multiple files using “with open”?


except IOError as e print 'Operation failed s' e.strerror If that's not possible what would an elegant solution to this..

Run a program from python, and have it continue to run after the script is killed


OSError e print sys.stderr fork #1 failed d s e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 os.setsid # do second fork try pid os.fork if pid.. OSError e print sys.stderr fork #2 failed d s e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 # do stuff func # all done os._exit os.EX_OK share..

spawning process from python


except OSError e raise RuntimeError 1st fork failed s d e.strerror e.errno if pid 0 # parent calling process is all done return.. except OSError e raise RuntimeError 2nd fork failed s d e.strerror e.errno raise Exception s d e.strerror e.errno if pid 0 # child.. 2nd fork failed s d e.strerror e.errno raise Exception s d e.strerror e.errno if pid 0 # child process is all done os._exit 0 # grandchild..